Page 76 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 76




         With almost all upscale
         greenfield schools promoted
         in the new millennium being
         co-ed, the league tables of
         boys (and girls) boarding
         have been shrinking with
         each passing year. This year
         is no different

                  gainst the backdrop of
                  a rising global tide of
                  gender egalitarianism and
         Awomen’s empowerment
         — on September 20, Parliament
         overwhelmingly passed the 108th
         Constitutional Amendment enabling
         reservation of 33 percent quota for
         women in the Lok Sabha and state
         legislative assemblies — gender   TDS’ Dr. Jagpreet Singh: “community service is built into the DNA of the school”
         segregated schools are becoming
         old-fashioned. Even the hallowed   and management of the school to   attention to students, leadership,
         Harrow School, UK (estb.1572), tra-  convert it into a co-ed institution,   safety & hygiene, infrastructure and
         ditionally an all-boys school which   it’s evident that the plea has fallen   mental and emotional well-being
         has struck roots in India (Benga-  on deaf ears. Because in its present   services.
         luru) and admitted its first batch in   avatar as a boys boarding school,   “The success secret of TDS is that
         August, has metamorphosed into a   TDS (estb.1935), has done very   over the past eight decades, succes-
         co-ed school in its India avatar.   well, thank you, and has acquired   sive principals and managements of
           With almost all upscale greenfield   an excellent reputation as the gold   the school have focused on the vision
         schools promoted in the new millen-  standard of boys boarding school   and mission of the founders of TDS,
         nium being co-ed, the annual Edu-  education.                     viz, to educate and nurture future
         cationWorld India School Rankings   Ever since the pioneer Educa-  leaders invested with best Indian
         2023-24 league tables of the boys   tionWorld India School Rankings   values and culture. I am pleased that
         and girls boarding (and day schools)   (EWISR) survey was initiated in   your sample respondents have cor-
         has been shrinking with every    2007, except once, TDS has topped   rectly awarded us the highest scores
         passing year. Coterminously co-ed   the Boys Boarding school league   under seven of the 14 parameters
         schools league tables in all categories   table with total scores well-ahead   of school education excellence. Of
         — day, boarding and international —   of rivals. This year is no different.   them, I am especially satisfied about
         are growing and expanding.       TDS has topped the EWISR 2023-24   the highest score under the pastoral
           But although in his recently   boys boarding school league table   care parameter. This is the outcome
         published Memoirs of a Maverick,   with highest scores on seven of the   of the tutorial system adapted from
         bureaucrat-turned politico Mani   14 parameters of school education   the globally reputed Eton College,
         Shankar Aiyar, a former student of   excellence including competence of   UK, where I served as teacher in
         The Doon School, Dehradun        teachers, co-curricular education,   1991. Under this system, every TDS
         (TDS), recalls requesting the board   curriculum and pedagogy, individual   student is one of seven tutees who

         76    EDUCATIONWORLD   OCTOBER 2023
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81