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         DON'T SPURN AMERICAN HANDSHAKE AGAIN                              out for Prime Minister Modi and tall
                                                                           promises of technology transfers, US
                                                                           investment in trade and education are
              he warm bipartisan welcome ac-  their Soviet bias was junking of the   most welcome. Quite obviously, India
              corded  to  Prime  Minister  Na-  subcontinent’s historic ideology of   needs to thoroughly cleanse the Au-
         Trendra Modi by President Joe    private enterprise and free markets in   gean stables of licence-permit-quota
         Biden  and  the  American  establish-  favour of Soviet-inspired central plan-  raj and get back on to the capitalist
         ment on his latest visit to the United   ning, promotion of capital-intensive   road as communist China did 40 years
         States is indicative of belated aware-  public sector enterprises (PSEs) and   ago, to record extraordinary annual
         ness  in  India  and  the  US  that  the   suppression of private business and   rates of double-digit GDP growth.
         two countries are natural allies with   industry.                   And there can be no better partner
         common  interests  and  objectives.   Instead of learning from America   in this national re-engineering than
         That this awareness dawned on both   and adopting a free markets economy   the US which since the Second World
         countries so late is a tragedy rooted   (which communist China did in 1978),   War has retained its position as the
         in  the  anti-Americanism  of  British-  national savings were canalised into   world’s wealthiest, most secure and
         educated Prime Minister Jawaharlal   government-run  PSEs  managed  by   freest democratic country. As a result
         Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi   business illiterate bureaucrats and   of foolish economic development poli-
         who shared the disdain of upper class   clerks who quickly ran them into the   cies, contemporary India with annual
         Britons for class-agnostic Americans.   ground.  The  promised  profits  from   GDP  of  $3.75  trillion  is  at  a  severe
           Therefore, despite the plainly obvi-  PSEs which according to India’s Sovi-  disadvantage compared with hostile
         ous commonalities shared by the US   et Gosplan-style five-year plans would   neighbour China ($19 trillion).
         and India — democracy, free and fair   generate surpluses to fund public   To catch up and realise the high
         elections, independent judiciary and   education and health, never materi-  potential of the world’s youngest na-
         the seven freedoms (Article 19 of the   alised, plunging high-potential post-  tion, there cannot be a better partner
         Constitution) — although professing   independence India into the nether   than our fellow democratic country,
         neutrality in the American-Soviet Cold   ranks of the world’s poorest and most   the United States of America. When
         War  of  1945-89,  successive  Nehru-  illiterate nations.        the US extended its hand in friend-
         Indira administrations tilted towards   Against  this  backdrop,  the  reset   ship seven decades ago, the opportu-
         the Soviet Union on big global issues.   in  US-India  relations  evidenced  by   nity was missed. We should not miss
           Yet perhaps the greatest signal of   the unprecedented red carpet rolled   it again.

         THREE LESSONS FROM WRESTLERS PROTEST                              and says he is “ready to be hanged”
                                                                           if any of the charges are proved in a
                                                                           court of law.
              he prolonged stand-off between   medal winners, notably Bajrang Punia   Three important lessons arise from
              India’s international medal win-  and the Phogat sisters who have also   this scandal which given the infamous
         Tning wrestlers and Brij Bhushan   been conferred national awards.   law’s delay in 21st century India, is
         Sharan Singh, chairman of the Wres-  However  despite  repeated  at-  unlikely to be resolved in the near fu-
         tling Federation of India (WFI), over   tempts, the Delhi police which is un-  ture. The first is to make the Attorney
         allegations of the latter having taken   der the administrative control of the   General and under him the Director of
         advantage of his position to sexually   Union  home  ministry,  declined  to   Public Prosecution’s offices indepen-
         harass seven women wrestlers, high-  file an FIR (first information report)   dent of the Central and state govern-
         lights much that is wrong with Indian   which is the mandatory first step to-  ments. This has been recommended
         sports and the justice system which   wards initiating prosecution. This is   by several of post-independence In-
         seems beyond redemption.         because Sharan Singh is a five-term     dia’s  22  Law  Commissions  (whose
           On April 21, seven young women   BJP  Member  of  Parliament  from   reports  are  promptly  shelved)  and
         wrestlers,  including  a  minor,  train-  the Kaiserganj constituency in Uttar   is the reality in several common law
         ing under the auspices of WFI mus-  Pradesh, the heart of the Hindi belt   countries, including the UK and Unit-
         tered up courage to complain against   from which the BJP receives its major   ed States. If also mandated in India,
         Sharan  Singh’s  repeated  abuse  of   support. Singh reportedly commands   delay in filing the FIR and initiating
         young sportswomen training for inter-  considerable obedience, even if not re-  prosecution proceedings as witnessed
         national tournaments and champion-  spect in his pocket borough and neigh-  in the case under reference would not
         ships. Claims of misconduct included   bouring environs.          have arisen.
         inappropriate  touching,  soliciting   The latest news on this shameful   Secondly, even if legislation is not
         sexual favours with inducements and   imbroglio which has provoked nation-  possible, a national consensus needs
         stalking.  The  cause  of  these  young   wide outrage is that an FIR has been   to  be  evolved  that  only  people  who
         sportswomen — many of them village   filed and the Delhi police is preparing   have  excelled  in  a  particular  sport
         girls who braved rural patriarchy to   a case against him. The Union gov-  should  chair  its  governance  coun-
         train for this contact sport to bring   ernment has promised to lodge for-  cils. And third, girl children should
         honours  and  medals  to  the  country   mal prosecution proceedings against   be taught from early age that it’s le-
         — was taken up by several Olympics   Sharan  Singh  by  end-June.  Singh   gitimate self-defence to clobber sexual
         and Commonwealth Games wrestling   meanwhile,  has  denied  all  charges   offenders on the spot of the offence.

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