Page 68 - EW August 2023
P. 68

International News

           UNITED STATES                                  have a smaller chance of getting in, and they are more likely
         Race admissions ban fallout                      to be put off by the eye-watering sticker prices of the elite
                                                             Public universities could also experiment with “top per-
                                                          cent” schemes of the kind that legislators in Texas devised
                                                          after banning race-conscious admissions in the 1990s. Its
                                                          public universities began granting students who graduated
                                                          in the top 10 percent of their high-school class automatic
                                                          entry. The theory is that this can give bright kids who excel
                                                          in underperforming schools, whatever their background,
                                                          the same chance of going to a leading public university as
                                                          children with more advantages.
                                                             A third idea is to ramp up wealth-based affirmative ac-
                                                          tion, which remains legal. Youngsters from the poorest fifth
                                                          of households make up 17 percent of all high-school gradu-
                                                          ates but only 8 percent of entrants to the 200 or so most-
                                                          selective colleges; those odds are as bad as for any racial
         Pro-judgement support before US Supreme Court    group. Granting some degree of advantage to clever-but-
                                                          impecunious applicants would boost diversity more than
                FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS, ADMISSIONS of-    doing nothing, while also providing opportunity to the least
                ficers at some of America’s swankiest universities   privileged white and Asian youth.
                have given a leg up to black, Hispanic and Na-
         tive American students whose achievements in secondary    BRITIAN
         school might not, on their own, have won them a place. On   Contrarian trend
         June 29, the Supreme Court declared this practice uncon-
         stitutional, ruling in a decision authored by Chief Justice   AFTER 13 YEARS OF CONSERVATIVE govern-
         John Roberts, that neither public nor private universities   ment, the country’s public services are in less than
         may use race as a factor when deciding which students to   fine fettle. There is an exception. Under the Con-
         admit. The judgement by the conservative court could cause   servatives, England’s schools have improved. England is
         a swift, sharp drop in the number of students from these   now the best in the West when it comes to reading at pri-
         minority groups who go to America’s best campuses. But   mary-school age, according to one ranking. When it comes
         it could also spur changes that make university admissions   to maths, English students of the same age have improved
         more progressive.                                compared with their European peers (even if they lag Asian
            Since their birth in the 1960s, race-conscious admis-  ones).  Scotland,  whose  progressive  education  system  is
         sions policies had survived a number of challenges at the   loathed by Tories, has dribbled down the table. Historically,
         Supreme Court. The ruling that has finally eliminated them   England was a laggard; now it’s ahead.
         arose from a pair of cases first brought in 2014 by Students   Smaller targets have been met, too. More students study
         for Fair Admissions, an organisation founded by Edward   sciences and maths, as the Tories wanted. Maths has be-
         Blum, a long-time opponent of racial preferences, against   come the most popular subject at A-level, the exams Eng-
         Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at   lish students write at 18. Watered-down GES, the exams
         Chapel Hill. By a vote of 6-3, the court agreed that system-  children write at 16, have been replaced by more rigorous
         atic considerations of race in admissions decisions violate   versions. In 2010, 68 percent of schools were rated good or
         the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.  outstanding by inspectors. Now the figure is 88 percent. In a
            What will now happen in other states — and in America’s   stint of government in which achievements are few, schools
         highly selective private non-profit universities, which until   stand out. What went right?
         now have not been affected by state bans — depends in part   For starters, the Conservatives had a plan. Before win-
         on whether universities concoct alternative ways to enroll   ning the 2010 general election, they had spent five years in
         underrepresented  minorities.  Many  bright  students  say   opposition mulling school reforms, diagnosing the prob-
         they value diversity on campus.                  lems the system faced. The original sin, according to Nick
            Elite universities will probably start by redoubling ef-  Gibb, the then-shadow and incumbent schools minister,
         forts to get black, Hispanic and Native American students   was  progressive  education,  which  focused  too  much  on
         to apply in the first place. Low application volumes are the   teaching children how to think rather than teaching them
         biggest direct obstacle to their enrolment. That these young-  what they should know. Then they worked out how they
         sters are less likely than white and Asian ones to have top   wanted to fix it. Curriculums would be overhauled. Reading,
         grades is only part of the explanation: they also believe they   writing and maths would trump other topics. Policies such

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