Page 316 - EW September 2024
P. 316


         Hindenburg’s media chorus                        (Amendment) Act, 1974, which abolished tenancy farm-
                                                             One of the provisions of the Karnataka Land Reforms
                                                          ing and transferred land to the tiller, was that agricultural
           based Hindenburg, a self-confessed short-seller   land could be sold only to bona fide agriculturists (s.79).
                                                          The grassroots impact of this provision was that the rural
         I‘research firm’ of no fixed address and five employees,   elite increased its landholdings by purchasing farmland
         has targeted Madhavi Buch, the first private sector and   at below market price, particularly since discretionary
         woman CEO of SEBI (Securities & Exchange Board of   power was vested in government to make exceptions to
         India). She is allegedly involved with an offshore invest-  s.79 “in the public interest”. This exception enabled rural
         ment fund connected with Vinod Adani, elder brother   elites to buy cheap and sell dear to industrialists and busi-
         of Gautam Adani, India’s fast track infrastructure and   nessmen. According to the Association for Democratic
         development tycoon. In the first offensive in 2023 the   Reforms which tracks the wealth of politicians, the value
         target was Gautam Adani, one of India’s wealthiest indi-  of assets of H.D. Kumaraswamy, the humble farmer for-
         viduals (assets value: Rs.11.61 lakh crore) and his several   mer chief minister of Karnataka, multiplied 10x between
         companies, for alleged listed shares price manipulation   two general elections.
         by offshore companies controlled by Vinod.          In 2020, the BJP government of the state amended
           It’s important to bear in mind that for six years (2011-  s.79 permitting non-agriculturists to purchase farmland
         17), Madhavi Buch, an IIM-Ahmedabad alumna who be-  enabling farmer politicians to sell their landholdings
         gan her career with ICICI Bank, was employed in Greater   to industrialists and businessmen at true market price.
         Pacific Capital, Singapore where she invested in a global   Now the incumbent Congress government of the state
         investment fund perhaps without knowledge that Vinod   has mooted a proposal to amend the Land Reforms Act
         Adani was also an investor. To draw an inference from   to again restrict the sale of farmland to agriculturists, to
         this tangential circumstance that after she was appointed   protect poor farmers from exploitation. This will again
         to the SEBI board in 2017 and chairperson in 2022, she   facilitate the accumulation of farmland by the rural elite.
         colluded with Vinod Adani’s alleged manipulation of the   That’s socialist smartness difficult to surpass.
         shares of Adani Group companies in India is far-fetched
         speculation as argued by legal luminary Harish Salve on
         NDTV (owned by Adani).                           History agnostic LoP
           The underlying problem of lefties and media pundits
         is that they have little understanding of the role and pur-  OLLECTIVE MADNESS BEST DESCRIBES suc-
         pose of the stock market. Deep in their hearts they believe   cessful opposition resulting in the withdrawal of a
         that stock exchanges are anti-social gambling casinos.   Cpublic advertisement issued by UPSC (Union Public
         They have little patience or understanding that the stock   Services Commission) on August 17, inviting applica-
         market is a forum on which entrepreneurs with big busi-  tions for 45 professionals in industry, academia and other
         ness ideas and management expertise can raise necessary   vocations to serve with the Central government on short
         capital to fund nation-building industrial and business   three-five year contracts.
         projects.                                           Lateral entry of highly qualified and experienced
           In the circumstances, it reflects very poorly on duffers   professionals from industry and the professions to inject
         in the media that despite being aware of Hindenburg’s   expertise into government, is not a novel idea. Several
         dubious antecedents, they have given high credibility and   prominent lateral entrants include former PM Dr. Man-
         credence to this shady entity’s second effort to destabilise   mohan Singh, former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan and
         the Indian stock market and make a second killing.     chief economic advisor Dr. Kaushik Basu among others
                                                          who invested their wisdom and expertise in government.
         Smart humble farmers                             by Rahul Gandhi, de facto chief of the Congress party
                                                             Surprisingly, withdrawal of this ad was also advocated
                                                          and LoP (leader of the opposition) in Parliament. RaGa
               LTHOUGH EX FACIE THEY ARE MODEST,          has transformed into a champion of caste-based politics.
               humble souls, India’s rural politicians possess   The LoP seems unaware that public interest demands
         Aa native cunning and smarts difficult to emu-   the elimination of divisive caste consciousness which will
         late. True, in the early years after independence, lordly   atomise Indian society, and adversely impact already low
         zamindars — beneficiaries of the Permanent Settlement   productivity in government, academia and industry.
         negotiated with grandees of the British Raj under which   On economic issues as well RaGa advocates Nehruvian
         in consideration for annuities the former were granted za-  socialism and PSE (public sector enterprises)-led growth
         mindaris, the right to levy and extract taxes from peasants   which transformed high-potential post-independence
         toiling in large swathes of real estate — lost this privilege   India into one of the world’s poorest countries. Moreover
         as land rights were transferred to tenants. Since then   he regularly trashes India’s most successful businessmen
         these very tenants mainly from OBCs (other backward   (Ambani-Adani) and naively ascribes their success to
         castes/classes), have morphed into an equally exploitative   Prime Minister Modi’s special support.
         peasants elite which has cornered all the gains of rural   In woke circles, criticism of RaGa’s wrecking-ball ut-
         development. Despite a plethora of affirmative action   terances and initiatives is interpreted as support for the
         (reservations) legislation the new rural elite has success-  BJP/PM Modi. This presumption is unwarranted and
         fully prevented socio-economic upward mobility of SCs &   should not prevent outing the naive blathering of this
         STs (scheduled castes and scheduled tribes).     history-agnostic, over-promoted LoP.

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