Page 12 - EW-December-1-31-2024-merged
P. 12


         GOOD NEW WIND FROM AMERICA                                        have suggested a 3 percent cut result-
                                                                           ing in a saving of Rs.1.02 lakh crore.
                                                                           This would contribute 15 percent to
              he election of donald trump as   cy headed by eccentric space-age bil-  the total Rs.7.81 lakh crore which our
              the 47th president of the United   lionaire Elon Musk and Indian-origin   schema suggests can be mobilised
         TStates — the wealthiest, most in-  former presidential candidate Vivek   by the Centre in 2024-25 for invest-
         novative and most powerful military   Ramaswamy . Their brief is to suggest   ment in public education and health
         nation worldwide — has shocked most   ways and means to slash the Federal   (see
         well-educated and refined people who   government’s annual expenditure by a   union-budget-2024-25-soaring-ambi-
         expect decorum, culture and charac-  humungous $2 trillion (equivalent to   tion-neglected-foundation/).
         ter in government and society leaders.   57 percent of India’s annual GDP and   Total establishment expenditure
         That the American people have elected   10 percent of America’s).      of Rs.7.83 lakh crore (2024-25) on
         him to be their executive President, is    In India, there is a blanket of si-  3.4 million government employees is
         an indicator that the US — its signifi-  lence in media on the issue of reduc-  much too much. Wasteful expenditure
         cant highly-educated minority not-  ing  government  spending  classified   is patently visible in lavish ministerial
         withstanding — which over the past   as ‘establishment expenditure’ in the   and official bungalows, cavalcades of
         two centuries has acquired the repu-  annual Union Budget. However for   motor-cars, private airline and nu-
         tation of a coarse, swaggering nation,   over a decade, EducationWorld which   merous class IV clerks, peons and
         has become coarser. The world has to   conterminously with the Union Bud-  servitors enjoyed by politicians and
         be ready to live with it.        get has been presenting a schema/  bureaucrats. Even if ‘drain the swamp’
           However, Trump is not an ill wind   calculus to slash the Centre’s expen-  is not possible, there is considerable
         that blows no good. Inevitably some   diture under various heads and free up   scope for significantly slashing gov-
         features on the President-Elect’s re-  resources for social welfare spending,    ernment  expenditure  to  release  re-
         forms agenda make eminent good   has been a voice in the wilderness. In   sources desperately needed in the
         sense not only for the American public,   the Union Budget 2024-25, establish-  social sector.
         but also for the long-suffering people   ment expenditure (wages, salaries,   That’s an early good wind that’s
         of India — like America, a democracy   operational expenses and overheads)   blown from America which is bracing
         governed by the will of the people.   at Rs.7.83 lakh crore constitutes   for a roller-coaster ride under Presi-
           The most promising of the reforms   16.29 percent of total Central govern-  dent Donald Trump. Let’s hope his
         on Trump’s agenda is promulgation of   ment expenditure. This is the very   bosom pal Prime Minister Modi takes
         a Department of Government Efficien-  first  item  under  which  your  editors   a leaf out of his book.

         URGENTLY REQUIRED JUDICIAL REFORMS                                is 21 per million  cf.107 per million
                                                                           in the US and 51 in the UK with even
                                                                           communist China appointing 159 per
              he retirement of d.y. chand-  courts. It’s the largest arrears case   million — the national interest neces-
              rachud from office as the 50th   load worldwide. The average time   sitates extension of retirement age of
         TChief Justice of the Supreme    taken for resolution of a civil case in   upper judiciary judges and simultane-
         Court of India on November 10 at   India is five-ten years. Clearly Chan-  ous increase in the number of judges
         the mandatory retirement age of 65,   drachud — by common consensus the   systemwide with immediate effect.
         marks an important milestone in the   most technology and business literate   Secondly, it’s now plainly evident
         checkered history of India’s judiciary.   CJI in post-independence India’s le-  that the judiciary, unschooled in or-
            During his eight-year career as a   gal history — should have been given   ganisational and business manage-
         judge of the Supreme Court and two   more time to address the issue of the   ment, cannot modernise and stream-
         years as CJI, Chandrachud adjudicat-  law’s delay.                line the judicial system. Therefore,
         ed several game-changing cases that   Therefore, the first issue that needs   external management consultancy
         have altered the course of Indian his-  to be reviewed is the retirement age   firms need to be called in to devise
         tory. Among them: the electoral bonds   of judges. The mandatory retirement   a rules and regulations-based legal
         case, Ayodhya Ram temple dispute,   of the evidently youthful CJI Chan-  system in which loquacious counsels’
         decriminalization of homosexuality,   drachud is tantamount to wasteful   time in presenting arguments and
         Sabarimala temple women’s access   throwaway of highly experienced ju-  cross examining witnesses is circum-
         case, same-sex marriages and revo-  dicial talent. In this day and age, com-  scribed,  prolix paperwork is reduced
         cation of the special status of Jammu   pulsorily retiring highly experienced   and adjournments are restricted. The
         and Kashmir. “I have left the judicial   high court judges at 62 and Supreme   experience of the past seven decades
         system better than I found it,” said   Court judges at 65, is foolish waste of   and emergence of India’s mountain-
         Chandrachud in his farewell address.   talent. In the US, Supreme Court judg-  ous caseload is proof that adminis-
         But better is not good enough.     es serve for life unless incapacitated   trative reform of the legal system is
            India’s  legal  system  is  burdened   by  illness  or  voluntary  retirement   beyond the collective capability of the
         with 51 million pending cases of   because there’s healthy awareness of   judiciary. Democracy, rule of law and
         which 83,000 are pending in the   the value of judicial  experience.  In   ease of doing business  necessarily
         Supreme Court, 6 million in 23 high   addition to appointing  more  judges   require an efficient legal system. Sine
         courts and 45 million in subordinate   — India’s judges to population ratio   qua non.

         12    EDUCATIONWORLD   DECEMBER 2024
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