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the parameters of teacher welfare and development,
                                                          curriculum and pedagogy, individual attention to
                                                          students, and parental involvement. This is because
                                                          we have invested heavily in teacher development to
                                                          ensure that our teachers are trained in latest ECCE
                                                          pedagogies and have developed the skills to provide
                                                          individualised care and age-appropriate education to
                                                          every child. Investment in teacher training is support-
                                                          ed by a thoughtfully designed, experiential learning
                                                          curriculum that integrates global best practices with
                                                          Indian cultural values to ensure balanced develop-
                                                          ment of children’s academic, social, and emotional
                                                          skills. However, I’m surprised we have not been
                                                          awarded higher scores for infrastructure provision as
                                                          we offer state-of-the-art facilities for early learners
                                                          including a Montessori Lab, Light Studio, and Music
             We are honoured to be ranked Pune’s #1 preschool   and Art room to develop children’s creativity and self-
             for the third consecutive year, and appreciate your   directed learning skills” — Aarti Kanwal, Principal
         “sample respondents awarding us highest score under   of Elpro First Steps (502 students and 56 teachers)

                   Factors influencing parents school choice decision (%)           EWIPR 2024-25 Trends

                               Personalised, outdoor and nature-based
                               learning & infrastructure

               27                         Location/proximity to home/workplace

               17               ECCE pedagogy/philosophy

               28                         Fees

               13            Inclusive education for diverse learners

                  0       10       20      30      40      50       60      70      80      90

            Source: This trend analysis has been collated by slicing, dicing and interpreting data/responses of 3,000 parents
            and teachers interviewed in 19 cities by AZ Research Partners for the EducationWorld India Prechool Rankings
            2024-25 survey

                                                                         DECEMBER 2024    EDUCATIONWORLD   99
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104