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Education Notes

            KERALA                  DU’s faculty of an-   he added.                drive educational reforms,
         Challenged children      thropology has prepared                          with Assam’s model pro-
         sports program           the proposal tabled for     UTTAR PRADESH        viding valuable insights
                                  approval by the varsity’s   Imperious teacher    for Himachal Pradesh.
         Thiruvananthapuram, july   Academic Council, which                        The dialogue between the
         3. In collaboration with   will meet at month end.   Aligarh, july 28. Visu-  two states will pave the
         SCERT (State Council of   In a letter, the faculty has   als captured on camera   way for future exchanges
         Educational Research &   requested the police to   of a government primary   and collaborative efforts
         Training), the state’s edu-  enable forensic science   school teacher in Gokul-  aimed at enriching the
         cation ministry released an   students to acquire field   pur district sleeping in   educational experiences
         “inclusive sports manual”   experience. The proposal   the classroom while her   of students countrywide,”
         with the objective of pro-  also seeks minor modifica-  students waved handheld   said Dr. Pegu, speaking on
         moting the track and field   tions in the curriculum   fans around her, have   the occasion.
         sports talents of different-  of DU’s M.Sc (Forensic   gone viral on social media,
         ly-abled schoolchildren   Science) course for final   sparking widespread     ARUNACHAL PRADESH
         and ensuring their on-field   semester students to in-  outrage. Basic Education   Schools rationalisa-
         participation.           clude visits to crime scenes   Officer Rakesh Kumar
            “Steps are being taken   through police stations.  Singh said that while the   tion programme
         to conduct competitions                          matter is being investigat-  Itanagar, july 23. The
         prescribed in the manual     HIMACHAL PRADESH    ed, the teacher has been   state government has
         this year itself. A Healthy   Outstanding teacher   suspended.            announced an initiative
         Kids programme which                                Meanwhile, another    to close or merge over
         nurtures the physical and   awards               video of the same teacher   600 government primary
         mental health of children   Shimla, july 14. The state   beating students has also   schools with zero or mini-
         by initiating them into   government is all set to   surfaced. A probe by the   mal enrolment. Accord-
         sports and games, will be   award teachers and school   Block Education Officer   ing to official sources,
         implemented for pri-     leaders for outstanding   confirmed that the sleep-  significant population
         mary students of state-run   contribution to education.  ing video and the footage   shifts from remote areas
         schools,” said education   “The objective of insti-  of children being beaten   to newly established circle
         minister V. Sivankutty ad-  tuting these awards is to   star the same teacher,   and district headquarters
         dressing the media.      promote teaching as a ca-  but the latter video foot-  has resulted in declining
           Moreover under an ini-  reer, encourage teachers to   age was shot a few years   student enrolments in
         tiative to support autistic   adopt best teaching-learn-  earlier.        some schools.
         children, model autism   ing practices, and enhance                         “After thorough delib-
         complexes will be estab-  the reputation of teachers     ASSAM            erations with all stake-
         lished in all 14 districts of   within society,” said chief   Inter-state   holders, the government
         the state at an estimated   minister Sukhvinder Singh                     of Arunachal Pradesh
         cost of Rs.37.80 crore,   Sukhu, addressing a press   cooperation         has decided to merge 336
         added the minister.      conference.             Guwahati, july 1: A      schools to create inter-
                                    According to Sukhu, 24   13-member delegation   village schools that can
            DELHI                 teachers will be awarded   from Himachal Pradesh   serve multiple neighbour-
         Students’ crime scene    in two separate categories.   led by education minister   ing villages. This approach
                                                                                   not only improves access
                                                          Rohit Thakur, arrived in
                                  “In addition, six special
         visits                   awards will be presented   Assam’s admin capital   to education but also
         New delhi, july 10. Delhi   to teachers who have made   for a detailed meeting   allows more efficient use
         University’s (DU) forensic   outstanding contribu-  with the state’s education   of educational resources
         science postgrad students   tion towards innovation,   minister Dr. Ranoj Pegu   and infrastructure,” said
         will soon be authorised to   implementation of state   and team. The objective of   education minister Pasang
         visit crime scenes as in-  flagship programs, and   the visiting delegation is to   Dorjee Sona, addressing
         terns to examine forensic   special initiatives. Award-  study innovative initiatives   a press conference. “We
         evidence. DU has mooted   ees will be shortlisted   being implemented by As-  have also closed down 398
         a proposal to the Delhi Po-  based on recommenda-  sam’s education ministry.  schools which had zero
         lice to allow them to visit   tions of a state-level com-  “This visit underscores   enrolment,” he added.
         crime scenes together with   mittee constituted under   the growing importance of   Paromita Sengupta with bureau
         investigators.           the State Award Scheme,”   inter-state cooperation to             inputs

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