Page 51 - Ocean Lifts Profile3_Neat
P. 51

They are machines that operate without a mechanical gear box and have
        the most important advantages These types of traction machines include:

        1- There is no mechanical wear, which naturally extends the service life of the machine.
        2- Energy saving: it generally saves energy consumption by a percentage ranging
               between 30% to 40% of geared motors. The payload is 1000 kg.  For example, gear
               machines )1: 1 suspension( need approximately 16 Kw, And gearless machines )2: 1
               suspension system( only need approximately 6.7 kilowatts )these ratios vary from
               one type of motor to another(.
        3- Smoothing performance The elevator has high precision, and there is no noise and
               vibration during gear operation. Hence, the elevator runs smoothly and the noise is
               low.This is also a prominent feature of the green elevator revolution.
        4- No oiling or lubrication required.
        5- Easy to use. As there is no manual down system in case of failure,
               there is a manual brake wire outside the well with an electrical control
               system in the control panel The main one works to open the mechanical
               brakes, knowing that when the brakes are opened, the carriage does
               not slide at its usual speed, but it goes very slowly until it reaches the
               required turn.
        6- The possibility of installing it in a machine room and inside the elevator
               shaft without  machine room.

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