Page 31 - Company Profile Unit Bisnis - Kelompok 22
P. 31
Web design is an activity that aims to design the application and its appearance with a web base using a programming language.
Websites that are interesting and professional and contain informative content will be visited more by internet users.
Training Purpose Training Courses Training Duration
After joining this training, participants are • Explaining about web link creation links 5 Days
expected to be able to create web designs by (HTML, Wordpress, JavaScript, and User
using the Adobe Muse application. Experience)
• Explaining about the creation of web
template design
• Explaining about web design concepts
• Explaining about Adobe Muse
• The steps of create a web design using
Adobe Muse
• Creating a website design to make
it more interesting using Adobe
Photoshop, Sketch, UXPin, etc.
• Training for Web Design