Page 7 - Company Profile Unit Bisnis - Kelompok 22
P. 7

VISI                                                 MISI

            VISSION                                              MISSION

            To become a professional and excellent education and training   1. Establish mutually beneficial partnerships with industry and
            provider with national and international standards to support   other parties to improve and develop Education and Training, both
            national and international competitiveness.          at home and abroad to Support the Nation’s Competitiveness.
                                                                 2. Improve and develop professional Human Resources in the
                                                                 framework of Education and Training for the quality of life of the
                                                                 3. Empower the potential and internal capacity of Politeknik
                                                                 Negeri Jakarta and improve the ability, quality, competence and
                                                                 productivity of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta’s human resources through
                                                                 institutional cooperation activities in the sector of academics,
                                                                 research, and community service.
                                                                 4. Increase the funding capability of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, as
                                                                 well as an income generator for institutional development and
                                                                 increasing Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of Politeknik Negeri
                                                                 5. Empower Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Alumni to develop a network
                                                                 of cooperation in education and training.

                                                                                                      COMPANY PROFILE  2
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