Page 123 - 100 Best Loved Poems - Teaching Unit
P. 123

“Adieu, Farewell Earth’s Bliss”
               by Thomas Nashe, pages 8-9

               physic – health
               devour – consume quickly
               vain – hopeless
               heritage – birthright, destiny

               1.    This poem is classified as a lyric. What qualities make it this type of poem?

               2.    The first stanza of the poem alludes to “life’s lustful joys” and also to Death’s “darts.” With
                     what mythological figure is Nashe associating with Death?

               3.    The mentioning of Helen and Hector, both characters of classical epics, is an example of
                     what literary device?

               4.    “Wit with his wantonness” is an example of what type of sound device?

               5.    What is the tone of the poem?

               6.    What do you feel was Nashe’s purpose for writing this lyric?

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