Page 84 - 100 Best Loved Poems - Teaching Unit
P. 84

“O Captain! My Captain!
               by Walt Whitman, pages 66-67

               keel – the body of a ship
               rack – in this case, stress or torture

               1.    Refer to the introduction to Walt Whitman’s poem and explain who the captain is in this

                     The introduction to Walt Whitman’s poetry reveals that this poem was written shortly after
                     the death of Abraham Lincoln; it would seem he is the subject of this writing.

               2.    In the first stanza, Whitman writes that “the prize we sought is won.” Taking into
                     consideration the period in which this poem was written, what do you think the “prize” is
                     of which Whitman speaks?

                     Since Abraham Lincoln spent most of his time in office fighting for the emancipation of
                     slaves in the United States, the prize may be winning the Civil War and setting free the
                     many slaves in the South.

               3.    How does the captain’s death affect the speaker’s experience of the victory?

                     Although the masses exult over the victory, the speaker paces the deck “with mournful
                     tread,” grieving his captain rather than joining the celebration.

               4.    Why do you think Whitman chose to use this form for this poem?

                     Answers may vary. Example: The strict form of this poem seems to fit the occasion; the
                     rhyme and meter make it resonate like a death knell or mournful dirge. The repeated return
                     to the refrain mimics the way the speaker’s mind keeps returning to his dead captain
                     whenever it threatens to veer towards celebrating the victory.

               5.    What kinds of feelings seem prevalent in this poem? Do contradictory feelings exist here?
                     What are they?

                     Answers may vary. Example: The author seems to love and admire his captain as he
                     continually points out the efforts of others who show him praise and adulation. At the same
                     time, however, each stanza ends with a statement of great sadness and disbelief. While the
                     author is proud of the character and actions of his captain, he simultaneously feels great
                     grief that he has died.

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