Page 39 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 39







 Barium (Ba)
 crystals turn    Alkaline Earth
 black in air.


           This group is a collection of reactive metals that were discovered as compounds
           inside common minerals in Earth’s crust. Most of these minerals – known

           in the past as “earths” – are alkaline (alkali-producing), and this is how the group
           got its name. All alkaline earth metals were first purified in the 19th century.

                Atomic structure        Physical properties        Chemical properties          Compounds
             The alkaline earth metals   All members of this     These metals are similar to    These elements form
            have two electrons in their   group are soft and    the alkali metals, but not as   compounds with non-metals
             outermost electron shell.   shiny when pure. They    reactive. Except for beryllium   by losing their outermost
              Radium (Ra) is the most     are solid at room     (Be), all alkaline earth metals  electrons. Several compounds
               radioactive member.         temperature.        react with hot water or steam.  are found in teeth and bones.

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