Page 74 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 74

             Zn    Zinc

                                                                                   30    30    35   State: Solid
                                                                                                   Discovery: 1746
       Transition Metals                 Sphalerite   forms rough nodules

                                                    This zinc mineral
                                                        inside cracks.

                                                    This ore is
                                                    the main source
                                                    of  zinc.

                                                                                             Hard, shiny metal
                     Laboratory sample
                       of pure zinc

           Zinc was used in India and China                    The mineral sphalerite, containing zinc sulfide,
           hundreds of years before the German                 is the major source of  pure zinc. Another
           chemist Andreas Marggraf identified it              principal mineral, hemimorphite, contains
           as a new element in the 18th century. This          zinc and silicon. Zinc is essential in our diet.
           element is a rare transition metal that is never    We consume it from food such as cheese and
    72     pure in nature, but is found in many minerals.      sunflower seeds. Zinc compounds have a wide

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