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P. 12
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin
In 2021, a fresh approach has been taken to the care of the fabric of the cathedral. A new Surveyor of the Fabric has been appointed. This is Frank Keohane, a building surveyor specialising in building conservation. Frank
previously worked with Paul Arnold, the former cathedral architect, and oversaw various conservation projects including works to the transepts, west window and door and north aisle.
An updated quinquennial survey entailed a thorough inspection of all parts of the cathedral’s built fabric has been completed by the Surveyor of the Fabric.
This has identified and prioritised necessary repairs and conservation works which are required in the short, medium, and long term.
On foot of the quinquennial survey a package of repairs and conservation works have been prioritised for 2022. To assist with these works, an application for grant aid under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme was prepared and submitted to Dublin City Council.
Steps have also been taken to forming a new fabric committee for the cathedral. Potential fabric committee members have been identified and at year end
were awaiting formal appointment to the committee by the cathedral board. Each committee member is an expert in their field of specialism, ensuring that the committee will have the benefit of a broad range of skills and experience.
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