Page 35 - NEHA 2020 Annual Report
P. 35

Annual Report 2020 | 35
 Notes to the Financial Statements
 for the period ended 31 December 2020
4. Turnover
An analysis of income is as follows:
Rental income from tenants Management and maintenance subsidy Payment and availability income
Grant Income
All income arose in Ireland.
5. Surplus for the year
The surplus for the year is stated after charging/(crediting):
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets Government grant amortisation Operating lease rentals
Defined contribution pension cost Auditors’ remuneration
2020 2019 €€
2,034,477 220,898 2,982,222 6,578 5,244,175
2020 €€
1,738,152 197,729 1,891,402 13,992 3,841,275
  1,121,954 (411,249)
987,201 21,665 9,217
746,876 (410,537) 979,579
17,831 8,571

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