Page 36 - NEHA 2020 Annual Report
P. 36
Notes to the Financial Statements
for the period ended 31 December 2020
6. Employees
Staff costs were as follows:
Wages and salaries
Social insurance costs
Cost of defined contribution scheme
2020 2019 €€ 781,478 683,220
86,381 74,657
21,665 17,831 889,524 775,708
The average monthly number of employees, including the directors, during the year was as follows:
2020 2019 No. No.
Administration staff 6 5 Housing services staff 7 6 Management 4 4
17 15 The number of employees whose total employee benefits (excluding employers pension contributions) are over
€70,000 is:
Key management personnel
Key management personnel include the Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer, Property Service Manager, and Tenant Engagement Services Manager for whom the total remuneration cost was €294,809 (2019: €291,669) which includes pension contributions of €11,992 (2019: €11,263).
Staff remuneration
The Board received no remuneration in respect of the current or previous financial year.
7. Interest and financing costs
Other loan interest payable Bank loan interest payable
8. Taxation
2020 2019 €€
714,889 107,485 822,374
346,071 45,349 391,420
As a result of the company’s charitable status, no charge to corporation tax arises under the provision of Section 207 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997.
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