Page 15 - man from mi5 the sequal
P. 15

MI5 have pulled out all the stops on this one. I have a huge task force available to me to complete this mission. Two of my top agents W&W

 (Mr. Wright and Mr Wrong) will be deployed to follow Levitsky all throughout the tour and deal with his bodyguards when Levitsky asks for
 asylum. Security measures at the school have been in place for the last six months. Alongside Knuckles who you know, we have
 installed a new Janitor Mr. Sidney Shuffles alias Slippery Sid or Slippery Sid from the Sidney Street job as he is known to his underworld
 colleagues. Just in case we need extra security to deal with Levitsky’s bodyguards here at the school.”.

 “Also the IT teacher Mrs. Dorothy (Dot)  Headcom and her dog (Pixelpoo) who started work six months ago are MI5; she is the person
 monitoring all posts between Bradovitch and Reeves. Once this is all over it will be Mrs. Headcom who sits down with young Reeves and
 explains all about online grooming and bullying to keep him safe in the future.”.

 “You will be completely safe on home soil, the school will be surrounded with undercover agents”. “When will he be visiting us?” asked
 Jenkins. “Your school is the first to be visited on the tour next Monday and MI5 will not grab Levitsky until the end of his tour so no lasting

 suspicion will be attached to any school or university”.  “Monday.” exclaimed Jenkins  “that’s only seven days away, what would you have
 done if I had said no?”  Piggot-Smythe gave a knowing smile and said “You didn’t.”.
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