Page 37 - man from mi5 the sequal
P. 37

Bradovitch escaped out of the overhead hatch and was on the run. “It is alright I have her” said Slippery Sid as he watched his drone follow
 Bradovitch along the embankment and into the chimney tops that are the maze of London streets. Mrs. Dot  Headcom said “leave this one to
 me; after her Pixelpoo”. Pixelpoo soon picked up Bradovitch’s sent and was soon to be close on her heels. Mrs. Dot Headcom plugged in her ear
 piece to pick up Slippery Sid’s directions from his drone on the whereabouts of Bradovitch.

 Thanks to Slippery Sid’s drone directions Mrs. Dot Headcom was waiting for Bradovitch to come round the corner. On coming face to face with
 Mrs. Dot Headcom; Bradovitch was startled and further disorentated by the attack on her ankle by Pixelpoo who had sunk its teeth in and was
 never letting go until Bradovitch had been arrested. Mrs. Dot Headcom seized the opportunity and pushed up the sleeve of her knitted cardigan,
 formed a fist and “POW” Bradovitch was knocked unconscious. Mrs. Dot Headcom ordered Pixelpoo to stand down and retrieved a set of

 handcuffs from her hand bag and arrested Bradovitch for Kidnapping.
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