Page 15 - H23
P. 15

Why does blonde hair look lighter in daylight?  Daylight is the ultimate

      white light because it has such a huge energy source (The Sun).  We have

      all said to a client take the mirror out into the daylight and you will see the

      true colour. Light in the salon usually comes from 100 what bulbs. The
      light transmitted from 100-watt bulbs is very warm, because it only

      contains two wavelengths, visible red and invisible infrared wavelengths.

      Everything this light touches reflects very warm in colour, therefore
      making white blonde hair look orange/yellow.

      Some salons have only fluorescent lighting.  This form of white light is
      created by filling and sealing a glass tube with mercury vapor, when the

      mercury vapor is electrically charged it emits ultraviolet wave lengths

      only, which are absorbed by the coating of phosphors on the inside of the
      glass tube, converting and emitting mainly green wavelengths along with

      some red and blue as well. Because of the very strong green wavelengths

      once this light is absorbed by the white blonde hair, it reflects as Khaki or

      with a greenish cast over the blonde. (Please see Fig. 14)
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