Page 9 - Mr Ben Flipping Book
P. 9

Without waiting for breakfast, Mr Benn put on his bowler hat and set
                     out for the little side streetswhere interesting things were always happening.
                            Down one of these streets, he passed the tiny old shop where he had
                     once rented an unusual red suit of armour for a fancy dress ball. As he
                     passed by, the strange little shopkeeper with the moustache and the odd
                     hat waved to him.

                            “Why not?” thought Mr Benn “I shall step insidefor just a moment.”
                            A suit and hat of black and grey stripes attracted hs attention. Onthe
                     chest of the suit were writen the numbers 123456789.
                            As he stood wondering what the numbers could mean, the shop-
                     keeper’s voice beside him said ”Why dont you see if the costume fits,sir?”
                            “Thank you. I think I shall,” said Mr Benn, and he took the suit of
                     clothes to the door marked FITTING ROOM.
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