Page 5 - X Smt1 Chapter 3 PROCEDURE TEXT.new_Neat
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The  teaching  approach  within  Chapter  3:  Procedure  Text  encourages
                              students  to  actively  involve  more  in  class  activities  to  gain  the
                              objectives  of  the  learning  process,  and  the  approach  divides  the  four
                              language skills into 2 related circles to make sure that the students gain
                              the skills as expected
                              A.Spoken Circle: Listening&Speaking
                              (Activities: Building Knowledge of Field, Modeling of Text, Joint Construction,
                              Independent Construction)
                              After learning the topic of Chapter 3: Procedure Text, students will gain
                              the language  skills:
                              Speaking : students are able to…..
                              - practice dialogs using Procedure Text with Imperative Sentence
                              - express their ideas about the importance of the Covid19 healthcare
                                 procedures according to the different perspectives of Pancasila
                                Students Profiles/the Local Wisdoms to build positive attitudes
                              - express their ideas about related issues of the Covid19 pandemic
                              Listening: students are able to…..
                              - answer the questions correctly to the questions after watching the
                              video or  listening to the recorded text reflecting good understanding on
                              the topic
                                To guide students develop the speaking skills, we arrange Speaking and
             PREFACE:         Oral activities.
             THE SKILLS ON    B.Written Circle: Reading&Writing
             DEMAND           (Activities: Building Knowledge of Field, Modeling of Text, Joint Construction,
                              Independent Construction)
                              After learning the topic of Chapter 3: Procedure Text, students will gain
                              the language  skills:
                              Reading : students are able to ……
                              -answer the questions correctly to the questions after reading Procedure
                              texts   reflecting good understanding on the topic
                              - express their ideas about the importance of the Covid19 healthcare
                                procedures according to the different perspectives of Pancasila
                              Students Profiles/the Local Wisdoms to build positive attitudes
                              Writing  : students are able to ……
                              -write the Procedure Text
                              -create a notice about the Covid19 healthcare using the Procedure Text

                              To  guide  students  develop  the  writing  skills,  we  arrange  Identify
                              generic  structure, Identify deep structure of the text, and Paragraph
                              development. We also arrange the Enrichment section and the Remedial
                              section to improve the students‟ understanding on the topic, and finally
                              to monitor the students‟ progress, we arrange the evaluation forms as
                                     Competency Test     Chapter 3 Test   Semester Test1/2
                                Spoken Circle &Written Circle
                                      objective test     objective test    objective test
                                       essay test          essay test      essay test
                                                        AKM models test    AKM models test

                              To make students feel enjoyable in the learning process, we provide
                              Game and Interlude.

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