Page 4 - SOUVILLY 25-26
P. 4


        9.     Guns are advised not to smoke or talk when walking to your stand,
               waiting for the drive to commence or during the drive.

               Wild Boar have average eyesight but VERY sensitive hearing and
               an exceptional sense of smell.

        10.  NEVER leave your position during the drive - for any reason. Guns
               must stay in their Miradors until the end of the drive.

        11.  MIRADORS (high seats) & Ground Blinds

               i.     No shooting forward or straight down the ride. All shots must
               be at least 30 degrees behind. Rule 5&6

               ii.    No more than ONE firearm may be taken into the drives. Spare
               firearms must be kept in vehicles in sleeves.

               iii.  Miradors can be wet or icy - mount with extreme care.

        12.  “Trust your shots” If you think you have wounded an animal,

               mentally mark the place where you last saw it. AT THE END of
               the drive, locate the keeper or one of the beaters and try to find

               the animal with them. Please DO NOT attempt this on your own,
               wounded boar can be very dangerous.

        13.  To find your position - low numbers (i.e.1-8) are always near the

               central ride and high numbers (i.e.15 &16) near the boundary

               fence. A gun’s delay in reaching the high numbered stands can
               curtail the number of drives possible in a day, so high numbers,
               please hurry! We usually have transport for high numbers,12-16.

        14.  The decisions of the Estate representative or the Shoot Director, in
               all matters are always final.

        Notes: While 308 is legal for Boar its effectiveness is in question. In

        2023/24 season 80% of the Boar shot but not recovered (i.e. found dead
        by the beaters but not reported by the guns) were attributed to 308.

        “Heavy for calibre” suitable bullets will kill Boar, but they are not good at

        stopping Boar. Standard deer loads DO NOT perform well on Wild Boar.
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