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Post Diploma Program
The post diploma program prepares individuals for the role of advocate or band representative on behalf of a First Nation, child and/or family in relation to child protection matters.
Provisions under the Child and Family Service Act states that it is an Aboriginal child's right to have family’s Aboriginal culture and heritage taken into account when advocating for the child’
Semester One
• History of First Nation Child Welfare
• Canadian Legislation and First Nation Child
• The Cultural Context of Helping Relationship
• First Nation Family Systems and Customary Care
Semester Two
• Business Communications
• Case Planning and Case Management
• Community Development and First Nation Child
• Self-Care in the Band Representative Profession
   TYPE: Post Graduate Certificate
LENGTH: 1 year (2 semesters)
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Post-secondary diploma or degree in a human services profession or related field
For more infromation please contact;
Munsee-Delaware site, Melanie Akiwenzie-Lisk
Education Development Officer
Nipissing site, Rick Fehr
Education Development Officer

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