Page 94 - Mumme PPA - Jan2021
P. 94
-----Annual Rate of Return-----
Planning Analysis Pre-Retirement Retirement
University Of Texas - College Education 6.00% 4.00%
Description Asset Mix
Doug IRA 27% US Equity - Large Cap, 7% US Equity - Mid Cap, 5% US Equity -
Small Cap, 21% International Developed Markets, 5% International
Emerging Markets, 33% Fixed Income, 2% Cash
Doug John Hancock 401k 34% US Equity - Large Cap, 9% US Equity - Mid Cap,
31% International Developed Markets, 26% Fixed Income
Doug John Hancock Roth 401k 34% US Equity - Large Cap, 9% US Equity - Mid Cap,
31% International Developed Markets, 26% Fixed Income
Mumme Joint - Cash 100% Cash
Mumme Joint 31% US Equity - Large Cap, 9% US Equity - Mid Cap, 4% US Equity -
Small Cap, 20% International Developed Markets, 34% Fixed
Income, 2% Cash
Marie IRA 16% US Equity - Large Cap, 7% US Equity - Mid Cap, 7% US Equity -
Small Cap, 23% International Developed Markets, 5% International
Emerging Markets, 31% Fixed Income, 9% Other, 1% Cash
Marie John Hancock 401k 61% US Equity - Large Cap, 1% US Equity - Mid Cap,
2% International Developed Markets, 25% Real Estate Securities,
8% Fixed Income, 3% Cash
Marie John Hancock Roth 401k 61% US Equity - Large Cap, 1% US Equity - Mid Cap,
2% International Developed Markets, 25% Real Estate Securities,
8% Fixed Income, 3% Cash
Personal Checking 100% Cash
Personal Savings 100% Cash
PDQ Investments, LLC 100% Other
Surplus Income and 1% US Equity - Large Cap, 0% US Equity - Mid Cap, 0% US Equity -
Liquidations Small Cap, 1% International Developed Markets, 0% International
Emerging Markets, 0% Real Estate Securities, 1% Fixed Income,
91% Other, 4% Cash
Return rates used for the growth of investments are hypothetical assumptions you believe are reasonable for
this plan and are not guarantees or projections. The Probability Analysis in this plan uses different
assumptions about inflation and annual return rates than the rates shown here as explained in the
IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by the Probability Analysis in this plan
regarding the likelihood of various outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment or life
results and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time. Other
investments not considered may have characteristics that are similar to or superior to those being analyzed.
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This plan is not complete without the Assumptions and Disclosures pages appearing at the end.
3170326-1-4 January 29, 2021 Page 94 of 108