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This edition of Family and Friends is published by arrangement    Commissioned photography by: Graham Alder at MM Studios pp 30 (Ex3), 96
             with Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford    (Ex3); NOI Pictures pp 11, 13, 17 (boy), 19, 25, 33, 35 (children), 41, 45, 47,
             for sale in Vietnam only and not for export therefrom.  55, 57, 61, 63, 67, 69, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91.
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             This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources  Rainer Albiez, robert_s, showcake, Siim Sepp, sirikorn thamniyom,
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             ƟơƩƬƭƵƪƣƢƥƣƫƣƬƲƱ                                    DVD stills courtesy of Oxford University Press Video Department pp 30
             Family and Friends authors ÷.AOMI÷3IMMONS ÷4AMZIN÷4HOMPSON  (Ex1, Ex2), 52 (Ex1, Ex2), 68 (Ex1, Ex2), 88 (Ex1).
             Chief Editor ÷4RAN÷#AO÷"OI÷.GOC
             Additional series content authored by ÷4RUONG÷6AN÷!NH   All the written activities in this book should be completed
             Cover illustration by: Christos Skaltsas/Advocate-Art          USINGÜPENCIL üORüINüYOURüOWNüNOTEBOOK
             Illustrations by: Adrian Barclay pp 61 (Ex4), 62 (Ex1), 39 (Ex3 a, c), 40 (Ex1 a, b
             HAT ÷FISH÷JUMPING  ÷  ÷ %X ÷.O ÷  ÷%X   ÷  ÷ %X   ÷   ÷  ÷ %X   ÷  ÷ %X   ÷*ARED÷
             Beckstrand p 46 (Ex3);  Simon Clare Illustration pp 13, 19 (Ex4 no. 3–5), 25
             (Ex1 and 4 no. 3), 35, 39, 57, 79, 63, 41, 47, 69, 85, 91; Collaborate Studio/
             Advocate-Art working in Adrian Barclay’s style pp 39 (Ex3 b, d, e), 40 (Ex1b
             shells, sandwich); Denis Cristo/Sylvie Poggio Artists pp 12 (Ex3 amend), 40
             (Ex4), 84 (Ex3); James Elston pp 8, 38 (Ex2), 39 (Ex2), 44 (Ex2), 45 (Ex2), 60
             (Ex2), 61 (Ex2), 66 (Ex2), 76 (Ex2), 77 (Ex2); Amanda Enright/Advocate-Art
             pp 20, 21; Martina Farrow pp 66 (Ex1 movie theatre), 73 (movie theatre);
             Paul Gibbs pp 48 (Ex3), 49, 71 (Ex2); Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltsas
             pp 4, 5, 10 (Ex3), 16 (Ex3), 22 (Ex3), 54 (Ex3), 82 (Ex3), 88 (Ex3); John Haslam
             pp 19 (Ex1 and 2), 25 (Ex2 and 3 no. 1–2), 35 (Ex1 umbrella and Ex2 no2–5);
             Andy Hamilton pp 11 (Ex3 and 4), 18 (Ex1), 23 (Ex3 and 4), 32 (Ex2), 32 (Ex1),
             33 (Ex3 and 4), 34 (Ex1), 50 (Ex2), 54 (Ex2), 55 (Ex3 and 4), 56 (Ex1), 73 (Ex4
             and 5), 78 (Ex1), 60 (Ex1), 82 (Ex2), 83 (Ex2), 84 (Ex1), 89 (Ex3), 90 (Ex1), 94
             (Ex2); Andrew Hennessey pp 38 (Ex1), 42 (Ex1 polluted, clean, dangerous,
             beautiful), 44 (Ex1), 50 (Ex1), 51 (Ex4), 66 (Ex1) 76 (Ex1); Sarah Hoyle/
             Advocate-Art pp 7 (Ex1), 75; Daniel Limon/Beehive Illustration pp 62 (Ex4),
             68 (Ex4); Bethan Matthews/Sylvie Poggio Artists pp 86, 92, 93, 83 (Ex3);
             Arpad Olbey pp 39 (Ex4 No. 1, 2, 4), 45 (Ex3 No. 1, 2, 4), 61 (Ex3), 77 (Ex3 and
             4); OUP p 58 (Ex3); Szabolcs Pal/Beehive Illustration p 39 (Ex4 No. 3); Dusan
             Pavlic/Beehive Illustration pp 14, 15, 17 (Ex3), 36, 37, 80, 81; Mark Ruffle
             pp 41 (Ex2), 47 (Ex1 germ, fern, girl, Ex2, Ex4 no. 4), 63 (Ex1 new, you), 70;
             Eunhyoung Ryu pp 6 (Ex2), 7 (Ex3), 10 (Ex2), 12 (Ex1), 16 (Ex2), 22 (Ex2), 26,
             27, 29 (Ex5), 42 (Ex1 safe), 43, 48 (Ex1), 58 (Ex2), 59, 64 (Ex1), 71 (Ex3) 88
             (Ex2), 89 (Ex4); QBS pp 6 (Ex1), 10 (Ex3 no. 4), 11 (Ex2 and 3, let’s talk), 12
             (Ex1 farmer and office worker, Ex3), 13 (Ex2), 14 (office worker), 15 (Ex2 no.
             2, 3 and 5), 16 (frame 4), 17 (Ex2 no. 1), 18 (Ex1 office and farm, Ex3), 21,
             22 (Ex1 fries Ex3 frame 3, 4 and 6), 23 (Ex2, 3 and 4), 27, 28 (Ex2), 29 (Ex5
             noodles, bubble tea, Ex6), 40 (Ex1), 44 (Ex2), 45 (Ex2 and 3), 49, 51 (Ex 5),
             58 (Ex3 sun), 60 (Ex1 play video games, play badminton), 61 (Ex4 no. 3), 62
             (Ex1 spots) 66 (Ex1 train station, go past, Ex2 frame 2), 67 (Ex2), 71 (Ex2), 72
             (Ex1), 73 (Ex4 no. 1 and 4, Ex6), 76 (Ex1 baby, smart), 82 (frame 2, frame 6),
             83 (Ex2 and 3), 85 Ex4 no. 2), 86, 88 (frame 3, 4 and 5), 89, 94 (Ex3 no. 3), 95
             (Ex5), 96; Christos Skaltsas/Advocate-Art pp 11 (Ex2), 17 (Ex2), 23 (Ex2), 33
             (Ex2), 55 (Ex2), 83 (Ex2), 89 (Ex2); Jo Taylor and Tony Forbes/Sylvie Poggio
             Artists pp 6 (Ex4), 12 (Ex3), 18 (Ex3), 24 (Ex3), 34 (Ex3), 56 (Ex3), 78 (Ex3), 90
             (Ex3); Matt Ward pp 72 (Ex2), 94 (Ex3).

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