Page 126 - Exam Booster for A2
P. 126

narrator:   4 you will hear two friends talking at   narrator:     Track 15 Listening Part 5
                            school. What has the girl forgotten             Worksheet 1
                            to bring to school?
                  Girl:       Ben, can you lend me something to            For each question, choose the
                            write with today?                            correct answer.
                  Ben:        Sure, but you normally have loads of         Look at questions 1–5 now. you
                            pens.                                        have fifteen seconds.
                  Girl:       I emptied my school bag last night when        you will hear sarah talking to Mike
                            I was looking for my purse. I forgot to      about a picnic. What will each
                            put my case back in.                         person bring to the picnic?
                  Ben:        Have you forgotten to bring money   sarah:     Hi, Mike. It’s Sarah. I’m phoning you
                            today too?                                   about the food and drink for Samantha’s
                  Girl:       No, I put that back in my bag after I      birthday picnic on Saturday.
                            found it.                          Mike:       Hi, Sarah. That’s good. What shall
                  narrator:  Now listen again.                           I bring?
                  narrator:   5 you will hear a teacher talking to   sarah:     Well, I’m going to make some
                            her class about a visit yesterday.           sandwiches. Why don’t you bring
                            Where did they visit?                        some crisps?
                  Teacher:     Good morning, class. I hope you   Mike:     Maybe I could bring some ice cream
                            enjoyed the trip yesterday. This morning     instead? Everyone likes it and I think it’s
                            in biology, we’re going to use the           going to be very hot this weekend.
                            computers to find out more information   sarah:     Good idea! Can you bring chocolate?
                            about the kinds of monkeys we enjoyed        It’s my favourite!
                            seeing yesterday afternoon and make   Mike:   Sure. How many people are coming?
                            posters about them. You can include   sarah:     There are going to be eight of us,
                            any pictures you drew while you were         including Sam. Margaret has already
                            watching them.                               made some cakes. They’re amazing –
                  narrator:   Now listen again.                          they look like little hamburgers!
                                                               Mike:     Cool! Sam loves hamburgers.
                 3a  1 You have to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.   sarah:     John wanted to make some biscuits but
                    2 You mustn’t run in the corridors!                  he’s been really busy this week so I think
                    3 You need to take this medicine for ten days.       he’s going to buy some.
                    4 You don’t have to help me.               Mike:       Wow! We aren’t going to be hungry!
                    5 You must turn off your mobile phone in an exam.    Is Phil coming?
                    6 You needn’t shout, I can hear you!
                                                               sarah:      No. He’s going to a pizza restaurant
                 3b  1 has                                               with his volleyball team.
                    2 mustn’t                                  Mike:     What about Andrea?
                    3 must                                     sarah:      Yes. She’s going to bring some fruit
                    4 needn’t                                            from her dad’s garden. He’s got lots of
                    5 doesn’t have                                       apple trees.
                    6 need                                     Mike:       Excellent! I think her dad grows

                 Get it right!                                           strawberries too.
                 You have to bring a book and a pencil case.   sarah:      Yes, but she told me that they’ve already
                                                                         eaten them all!
                 Listening Part 5:1                            Mike:     Oh no! Is anyone bringing drinks?
                 1  1  this                                    sarah:      Well, we can get some water from
                   2  that                                               the café in the park and I think Eric is
                   3  these                                              bringing some cola from his mum’s shop.
                   4  those                                    Mike:       Cool! Shall I bring my MP3 player so we
                   5  What are these?                                    can listen to music?
                   6  What’s that?                             sarah:    Good idea. It’s going to be great!
                   7  What are those?                          Mike:     Yes! See you on Saturday.
                   8  What’s this?                             narrator:  Now listen again.
                 2  1  F   2  C   3  B   4  A   5  D

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