Page 26 - sgk FAMILY NATIONAL 4 SH_Spread
P. 26

Lesson Three  Song

              Listen, point, and repeat.            34
              10              20             21              22             23             24             25

                ten          twenty         twenty-        twenty-        twenty-         twenty-        twenty-
                                              one            two            three           four            five

              26                 27                28                 29                30                40

             twenty-            twenty-           twenty-           twenty-             thirty             forty
                six              seven              eight             nine

                50               60               70               80               90                100

                fifty            sixty           seventy           eighty           ninety         one hundred

           2  Listen and sing.         35       3  Sing and do.

                              Bubble tea!

                         I would like a bubble tea.
                         One big cup, just for me!

                       How much is it? Let me see –
                   Twenty-three thousand dong, please.

                    Would you like some orange juice?                    Bubble tea            23,000 dong
                         One big cup, just for you!

                       How much is it? Let me see –
                                                                         Orange juice
                                                                                              22,000 dong
                    Twenty-two thousand dong, please.

                                                                                              10,000 dong
                    An orange juice and a bubble tea.
                       One for you and one for me.
                       How much is it? Let me see –                                          12,000 dong
                     Forty-five thousand dong, please.

                   Unit 3

        4831925 FAF VN 2e SB4 Nat_19p_0712.indb   24                                                           07/12/2022   09:15
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31