Page 72 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Workbook
P. 72

Interviewer:  How did you make the change to being a personal shopper?  Unit 11  Medical matters
          Amanda:     A customer at the place I was working wanted some advice on
                   what she should take on a business trip. What I chose for her   Grammar
                   must have been right because not only did she buy everything I
                   suggested, she also ofered to pay me to choose clothes for her   Relative pronouns and relative clauses
                   regularly. I started shopping for her in my spare time, and people
                   began asking her where she got her clothes. That’s how it started.   1a
                   She passed my name on to anyone who was interested and I   1 which    2 whose   3 who   4 which     5 where
                   slowly built up a business.                      6 which   7 which     8 whose   9 who    10 which
          Interviewer:  How do you know what clothes to take to clients?  1b
          Amanda:     Oten I’ll just get a picture in my head of what they need, or I may   5  I like going to places like the beach in winter, where I know there won’t be
                   spot something in a shop and think that’s perfect for a particular
                   person. But in the beginning, much of it is getting to know the   many people.
                   individual. I always sit down with them and ask questions about   7  The city’s football team, which is at the top of the league, has more fans
                   their work and lifestyle. I like to visit clients at home as I can   than any other.
                   usually learn more about their tastes from the way their house is   1c
                   decorated than from what they’re wearing. Just doing that, you   The relative pronouns can be replaced by that in 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10.
                   get to know a lot about them.
          Interviewer:  What problems come with the job?            The relative pronouns can be omitted in 4 and 10.
          Amanda:     It sometimes worries me having to handle clothes that are worth
                   so much. The clothes are my responsibility once they leave the   2
                   store, so there’s quite a bit of trust involved with clients. I once   1 f   2 c   3 d   4 a   5 e   6 b
                   had a client who didn’t pay me for the clothes that she’d kept, so
                   that has made me rather cautious. Since then I’ve only worked for
                   people who have been recommended to me by other clients.  Vocabulary
          Interviewer:  Do you ever take the clients shopping with you?  Words relating to health
          Amanda:     They sometimes ask, but I try to avoid it – above all because
                   when I’m out shopping it’s usually for more than one person, so   1
                   it wouldn’t be an eficient way for me to work. Also, if you’re in a   Across  1 itchy    4 bumped   7 sneezing   8 broke
                   shop with a client, you lose control of the situation and they can   9 reaction   10 feet   12 coughing
                   start trying on things that aren’t right for them. I don’t discourage   Down   1 injured   2 stung   3 weather   5 poisoning
                   them from making their own selections, it’s their money ater all,   6 bug    8 bled   11 hurt
                   but it does mean that I have to ind something there and then
                   which suits them better.                        Word formation
          Interviewer:  What advice would you give someone who wants to be a
                   personal shopper?                                2                                                           PDF from
          Amanda:     You need to have conidence in your ability to choose the right   1 ability   2 awareness  3 certainty   4 experience  5 formality
                   clothes and be able to guide people without pushing them too   6 happiness   7 helpfulness  8 honesty   9 patience    10 possibility
                   hard. On the other hand, you can’t forget you have to be lexible,   11 predictability  12 reliability  13 satisfaction
                   too. If a client doesn’t like what you’ve brought them, it can be   3
                   quite tough turning round and going out shopping for them again.
                   You need to be ready to admit you might have got the selection   dis-  im-       in-         un-
                   wrong. In the end, the client has to want to wear the clothes   dishonest  impatient  inexperienced  unable
                   you’ve chosen.
                                                                     dissatisied  impossible   informal     unaware
          Writing Part 2 (A review)                                                                         unhappy
           1                                                                                                unreliable
           2 It was the cover of the book that                                                              unsatisied
           3 What I found out when I started reading it was that
           4 It was the description of life in New Orleans that
           5 What I really liked about this book was that it
           6 What I want to read next is                           Listening Part 3
           1 What I really need at the moment is a new tablet.      1 F   2 C   3 H   4 D   5 B
           2 It was Michael who stole the book from the shop.
           3 What happens is the main character loses his job.     Track 12
           4 It was last year that she took out a bank loan.       Narrator:   Speaker 1
           5 It was the black shoes which I liked the most.        Speaker 1:   At around the age of ten I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer. Hours
           6 What I don’t know is what time the department store opens.    spent in the pool had me getting some really good times for my age
                                                                           and I was competing at regional level. The dream ended, however,
                                                                           ater a stay in hospital for a particularly nasty ear infection. It let
                                                                           me almost unable to hear in one ear. The doctor told me it was
                                                                           simply too risky getting back in the pool again, so I had to give up
                                                                           swimming. Still determined, I took up cricket instead, and with the
                                                                           same crazy enthusiasm I’d had for the pool. I got better and better,
                                                                           and now I play for my county.

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