Page 116 - English World Pupils Book2_Neat
P. 116

1rt      7d 3'd  +th  sth 6th                                          4ffi
         Reading                   fi rst  second th     ird   fou  rth   f  ifth  sixth river      h ll  spider

                                               ln    the      jungle

              Som    ond    his uncle    were    in the   jungle    for six doys,This        Som's    diory.

          The  flrst dav
          We  walked  next  to a rnter.  There  were

           beautLfuL  fLowers  Ln  the  trees.  There
          were  parrots,  too.

          The second  dov
                                  todag. There  wos  a
          We  cllrnbed  a hLLL
          blg  rnonkeg  Ln  o taLL  tree.  lt watched
          us quLetLg.

          The  thLrd  da[
                                           There  wos  o
          We  walked  down  the  hLLL.
           pooL  next  to a tree.  There  wos  a tLnY
           frog Ln  Lt.

           The  f ourth da!
           There  wos  a btg splder  next  to our  tent

           thls mornLng.  lt was  horrlbLe!  lt crawLed
           sLowLg  o tree.

           The  fLfth do[
                          was  verA  nolsg.  ThLs  evenLng
           The   lungLe
           we LLst  ened  to the tnsects  and the

                        ft wos  verA  dork.  I was scared!

           The slxth  dau
           We  woLked UncLe  Bob's  cor.  I wcs  tLred
           but  I wos  hoppg,  too. The      lungLe
           verA excLtLng!

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