Page 4 - English World Pupils Book2_Neat
P. 4

Scope ond               sequence

           Unit New  words  ond          Grommor                  Grommor  in conversotionLeorning  to leorn WB)
          poge speoking
            1   At  the castle           He's woshing the stePs.  What's  he doing?         finding  the some  item
                 oction  verbs          Are theg holding lights?  What  ore  gou  doing?
           24                            Yes,  he is. No,  she  isn't.  Whot  are  theg  doing?
            2    ln Biffo's  gorden      Whot's  this  / thot?    These  ore mA books  ond  finding  o different  item
                 plogground  equiPment What  are  these  / those?  this is mg  Pencil  cose.
           32                            Thaf  s  mg swing.
            3    Pirote  Jock            t like  bosketball.      Do gou like  bananas?     sequenclng
                 sports  ond hobbies     Dan likes  basketboll.   Yes,  I do.  No,  I don't.
            40                           Theg like  banonas.

             4   A  fantastic shoP       Does  she  like  the dress?  Do gou like tennis?   sorting
                 clothes                 Do theg like  the hot?   Yes,  we do.
            50                           Yes  /  No,  theg do / don't.
             5   Pirote  tock is on TV   I get up of  six  o'clock.  What's  the time?      motching
                 time  phroses           tn the morning she  PlaYs  Whot  time  do gou get
            58                           tennis.                  up?

             6   Who is the winner?      This  is his  / her hand.  Whose  iacket  is  this?  sorting
                 ports  of the bodg      Whot colour ore their     It's  Ben's  iocket.
            66                           noses?                    Are  these  Aour  Pens?

             7   A trip  in o bolloon    There's  woter  in the  iug.  t olwogs eot fruit.  abc order
                 food, drink  ond        There  ore  sondwiches  on  I sometimes eot crisPs
            76   contoiners              the  plate.               I never drink milk.

             8    Look ot  the animols!   Yesterdag it  was cold.  Whot's the time?         finding mistokes;
                                                                                            obc order
                 onimo s                 He wos cold.  We were     t(s holf  post  eight.
            84                           hoppg.  Theg were hot.
             9    Look! The seo!          The fish is next to /    There wos o house.       sorting  items  into
                 seo  creotures          between/behind/in         There were three birds.
            92                            front of the boot.

            10    The island              I con see  him / her  /  it.  Don't touch it.      finding  missing  Pictures;
                                                                                             obc  order
                  on the beoch            Can  gou heor me  /      Don't go neor it.
            102                           them / us?
            1 1   The  boot               t wolked on the sond.    First  t played footboll.  sequencing
                  regulor  oction  verbs  He pointed to o shiP.    Next  I helped Dod.
            t 1 0                         They  plaged in the seo.  Then  I watched TV.

             12   Welcome home!           He wolked over  / under  Yesterdog I climbed       sorting;
                                                                                             obc order
                  food ond drink          the bridge.  He wolked   o tree.  Yesterdog  he
            1 1 8                         through / into the river.  visited  his Grondmo.

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