Page 90 - English World Pupils Book2_Neat
P. 90

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                                  monster       heod     toil   uglg    friendlg     sleepg     osleep    scored

           A verg  funng monster!

                                                                Yesterdou John wos  in  bed.  It wos nine
                                                                o'clockn    the  evening.ohn             sleepg.

         It  wos holf  post  ten.  John wos osleep.
          His book  wos on the bed. It  wos o funng


         It  wos holf  post  eleven.  A monster wos on  John's  bed but John wos not
         scored. It wos  uglu but it wos friendlg.  Its heod wos big.  Its  nose  wos

         round. Its eors were  huge ond thick. Its  toil wos long ond  thin. Its hoir  wos
         block. Its eges  were  green.  Its orms  were long but its legs were  short.
         Its honds were smoll  ond its feet  were big. It wos o verg  funng monster!

         Now it is  seven o'clock. It  is morning. John is woking
         up. The monster is  not on John's bed now.

         Wos the  monster on John's  bed? Look of John's
         book. Whot is in it?

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