Page 107 - English World Workbook2.compressed_Neat
P. 107

      Grommor                   in   conversatioJl

       l   Look    ond    write.    Use   the   words in      the   brockets.

       1                                                   3

      Yesterdog                             visited   her  Grondmo              Grondpo.
      First                                                             (wolk    -  gorden    -  Grondpo)

      Then                                                              (theg-look-flowers)

       Next                                                             (pick   -  opples)

       Lost                                                             (help   -  Grondmo       -  kitchen)

      2    Completehe           conversqtion. Use           the  words      in  the   box.
          ffi           How    wos   Uour                         ?                                 Fi rst
            s          Soturdog                            wos   good.                             Then

          ffi          Whot                          ?                                              Next
           s                                                         mg brother.                 wotched

                       We                          his motorbike.                                mended
                                                                                                ho ppened
          ffi          And    then?                                                               ploUed
           s                                                         bosketbo.                    hel ped

          ffi          Reollg?                                                                  ofternoon
           s                                                         footboll    on  TV.        weekend

          ffi          Wos    it  o  good                                                          gome

           6                                 !  How   wos   gour   weekend?                         fun

          ffi          Mg    weekend      wos                          too.                      Brilliont

                                                     First, Then, Next,  Last  post  simple  verbs  Unit  11    105
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112