Page 141 - English World Workbook2.compressed_Neat
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Macmillan  Education
       Between Towns Road, Oxford  OX4 3PP
       A division of Macmillan  Publishers Limited
       Companies and representatives throughout the world

       r  s  BN  97  8  -0 -230 -0247  8  -  6

       Text @  Mary  Bowen andLiz  Hocking  2009
       Design and illustration  @ Macmillan  Publishers Limited  2009

       First published  2009

       AII  rights reserved; no part of this publication may be
       reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any
       form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
       recording, or otherwise, without  the prior  written  permission
       of the publishers.
       Designed by Ken Vail  Graphic Design, Cambridge
       Illustrated by Juliet Breese and Chantal Kees
       Cover'design by Oliver Design

       Cover photography: (t) Paul Bricknell,  (b) John Foxx images

       The  publishers  would  like  to thank  the following  for  their  participation  in  the
       development  of  this  course:

       In Egypt   -  Inas  Agiz,  Salma  Ahmed,  Hekmat  Aly,  Suzi  Balaban,  Mohamed  Eid,
       Bronwen  El  Kholy,  Mostafa  El  Makhzangy,  Hala  Fouad,  Jonathan  French,  Nashaat
       Nageeb  Gendy,  Hisham  Howeedy,  Saber Lamey,  Heidi  Omara,  Maha  Radwan,  Amany
       Shawkey,  Christine  Abu  Sitta,  Ali  Abdel  Wahab

       In  Russia   -  Tatiana  Antonova,  Elena  Belonozhkina,  Galina  Dragunova,  Irina
       Filonenko,  Marina  Gaisina,  Maria  Goretaya,  Oksana  Guzhnovskaya,  Irina  Kalininao
       Olga  Kiligerman,  Galina  Kornikova,  Lidia  Kosterina,  Sergey  Kozlov,  Irina  Larionova,
       Irina  Lenchenko,  Irina  Lyubimova,  Karine  Makhmuryan,  Maria  Pankina,  Anna
       Petrenkova,  Elena  Plisko,  Natalia  Vashchenko,  Angelika  Vladyko
       Printed and bound in Spain by Grafo

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