Page 5 - English World Workbook2.compressed_Neat
P. 5

Leorning                     leorn

            Find    the  sqme     picture.     Circle   it.

              @                @                   @                  @                @

               ffi               ffi                 ffi              ffi               ffi

             @               @                   @                   @                  @

                g               g                  ffi                 ff                  g

             w                w                   w                    w                  w

             ffi             ffi                 ffi                  ffi

            Find   the   sqme     word. Circle       it.

        t  boll                  boot         bo  lloon        @                 doll

        2 crown                 clown           cloud           clock          crown

        3  reod                 robbit           red            reod          reoding

        4  sweet                sweets          street         streets         sweet

        5  stor                  step            sto  r         stond           stoir

        5light                   lomp            look           night           light

                                                                              Find the  sqme   item   Unit  t
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10