Page 93 - English World Workbook2.compressed_Neat
P. 93

3    Look!

           Reod    ond    finish   the   sentences.

      1  Yesterdog              ond   AmU    were                      A  next   to  the   costle.
      2  There    wos    o  big  costle                                B  in  front   of  the  costle.

      3  There    were    two    dol$                                  C  in  the  window.

      4   Betweenhe         dolls                                      D  there   wos    o  funnu    whole.
      5   Behindhe        dolls                                        E  greot   !

      6 There  were  two fost  cors                                    F  ot  the  tog   shop.

      7   Next   to  the  cors                                         G  there   wos    o  ting  lion.

      8  The   togs   were                                             H  there   wos    o  huge   teddg.

          Write the letters.

      1_                2                 3                 4                 5                 6

      4   Write     obout     the   picture.

                                                                                         Revision   Unit 9
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