Page 191 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 191
vV. V. WJ
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Phrasal verb builder
Phrasal verbs consist of a verb with a preposition or adverb or both. The meaningofthe phrasalverb is
different from the meaning of its separate parts. The following are all phrasal verbs:
phrasal verb definition phrasal verb definition
to be into sth to be interested in something to point out to direct someone’s attention to someone
or something
to book sb into to reserve a place for somebody at a
hotel/event to pull out to drive from the side of the road onto a
different part of the road
to breakup to finish school/ college at end of the
term/ year to pull over to drive to the side of the road and stop
to bring up to introduce (a topic in a discussion) to pull up to stop in a vehicle
to burst out to suddenly start doing something to read out to read words aloud so that other people
(laughing/crying) can hear
to calm sb down to stop somebody feeling angry, upset or to read up on sth to spend time reading in order to find out
excited information about something
to check in to arrive and register at a hotel or airport to refer to sb or to talk or write about somebody or
sth something,especially briefly
to checkout to leave a hotel after payingand returning
your room key to rub out to erase
to cheer up to become happy to run into sb to meet someone you know when you are
not expecting to
to copy out to write a written text again on a piece of
paper to run into sth to crash into something (in a vehicle or on
a bike)
to devote sth to to use time,energy, etc. for a particular
sth purpose to set out to start a journey PDF from
to drop out to fail to complete something (a to shut up to stop talkingor making a noise, or to
university course / a race) make somebody stop doing this
to fall behind to not make progress to speak up to speak loudly and distinctly OR to
express an opinion freely
to get away to leave or escape from a person or place
to stand for to mean
to get back to return
to stand up for to defend
to get on to board a plane/ train/ferry/bus
to stay over to sleep overnight (often at someone’s
to get through to complete successfully
to go away to go on holiday
to stop over to stay somewhere for one night or more
to go over to examine or look at something in a when you are travellingto somewhere
careful or detailed way else
to hand in to give something (homework) to a to take off to leave the ground and fly (of an aircraft)
teacher to take up to become interested or engaged in a new
to hand out to give something (worksheet) to each of sport or hobby
a number of people to talk sb into sth to persuade someone to do something
to keep up with to progress or travel at the same rate/ to talk sth over to discuss a problem or situation with
speed as others
someone, often to find out their opinion
to listen up to pay attention or to get advice before making a decision
to look through to quickly read about it
to tell sb off to express disapproval to someone for
to make up to invent
doing something bad
to pick out to identify (details)
to turn up to arrive or appear somewhere, usually
Phrasal verb builder