Page 24 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 24

0    Complete the sentences with the correct     Grammar
            form of a phrasal verb or expression from  Adjectives with -ed and -ing
            Exercise 1.
            1 The new members of the climbing club       Page 164 Grammar reference
               were complete beginners, but to their     Adjectives with -ed and -ing
               credit they            the practice
               activities with open minds and learnt the   Look at the extract from the article and answer the questions.
               techniques very quickly.
            2 Because of the intense competition to          Mountaineering was his first passion, where he learnt
               become a professional footballer, a lot of    about survival in tough conditions and found himself getting
               promising youngplayers
               havingto find alternative careers.            more and more fascinated with the unique wildlife and
                                                             documenting what he had seen.
            3 Having looked at the draw for the next         As well as the danger of trying to photograph a big cat
               round of the national trophy, it looks        close up, he also came up against difficulties connected
               like we’ll            the reigning            with spending a long time at high altitude and in freezing
               champions if we win our next match.           temperatures, all of which were extremely challenging.
            4 Until their new developer                      He says he doesn’t mind the hardships of spending most of
                             , the computer games            his time up a mountain, but he thinks it ’s frustrating that
               company was struggling to produce games       the time he spends away means that he doesn’t get to see his
               that had global appeal.                       friends and family as often as he would like.
            5 When trainingfor a half -marathon, it’s
               important that you’re well prepared.If not,
               you will             of energy early        1 Which of the underlined words refers to how Denis felt?
               on in the race.                             2 Which of the underlined words refer to what made him feel
            6 In team sports,you need to be able to           like that?
               teammates for support when you need it.     Exam candidates often confuse adjectives with -ed and adjectives
                                                           with -ing. Choose the correct adjective in italics.
            7 The biggest advantage of people turning  &
               their hobby into a job is that they can     1 When we went to Disneyland,I think we found it more
                             doing the things they            entertained / entertaining than our kids.                    PDF from
               enjoy and get paid for it.                  2 It can be very irritated / irritating when friends arrive late for a film.
            8 It may be true that some people are
               destined for greatness in business, but on  3 You will never get bored / boring at night in Berlin because the
                                                              nightlife is wonderful.
               closer inspection they’ve usually benefited
               from a              along the way.          4  It’s annoyed / annoying when people are rude to you at the
            9 Asa travel writer, Mo experiences new
               and unexpected things. He regularly         5 The situation was very embarrassed / embarrassing for me and I
                             cultures that are different      felt uncomfortable.
               to anything he’s seen before.               6  I was really excited / exciting and wanted to see as much of the city
            10 There are some very good personal trainers     as possible.
               out there,but it’s unlikely anyone will
                             and be exactly what           Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentences to form a
               you’re looking for.                         word with - ed or - ing that fits the gap.
                                                           1 Everyone watches Pietro at parties because he’s just an
            Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
                                                                            dancer. ASTONISH
            1 Have you come up against any difficulties    2 We were quite              by the unfriendly attitude of the
               in your life recently?                         other students. PUZZLE
            2 What sort of activities do you find it easy or  3 It’s very          to be able to apply things we learn in the
               difficult to throw yourself into?              classroom to our free-time activities. MOTIVATE
            3 What career would tick all the boxes for     4 Anita looked quite             when she left the police
               you?                                           station. WORRY
            4  Have you come across any interesting art    5 They said the film was a comedy but we didn’t find it particularly
               or music recently?                                            AMUSE
                                                           6 We were pretty              by the time we got to the top of
                                                              the mountain. EXHAUST
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