Page 26 - OBID Business Plan 2024
P. 26

The Levy

          1. The levy rate to be paid by each property or hereditament                      6. The owners of all untenanted properties or
              is to be calculated as 2% of its rateable value as at each                        hereditaments will be liable for payment of the
              ‘chargeable day’ (1st October each year). The charge                              levy.
              will apply to all properties and hereditaments, including
              any  that  may  be  added  to  the  ratings  list  after each                 7. Charitable organisations that are subject to relief
              ‘chargeable  day’  but that would  have otherwise been                            on their business rates liability will pay 50% of
              liable as at that date.                                                           the levy that would otherwise apply save as for
                                                                                                premises that are for retail, leisure, and hospitality
          2. Only properties or hereditaments with a rateable value                             use where no such discount will be applied. The
              over £4,999 will be eligible for payment of the levy                              Okehampton Community Hospital will also be
                                                                                                subject to the same relief.
          3. The number of properties  or hereditaments liable for
              the levy is approximately 270.                                                8. West Devon Borough Council will be responsible
                                                                                                for collection of the levy. There will not be a charge
          4. From Year 2 onwards, the levy rate will be increased by                            for this service – administrative costs will be an in-
              the fixed rate of inflation of 3% per annum (rounded).                            kind contribution to enable all levy funds to go
                                                                                                towards BID projects.
          5. The levy will be charged annually in advance for each
              chargeable period to be October to September each
              year, starting in 2024. No refunds will be made.

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