Page 13 - PurSchoenUSA2021LookBookFall
P. 13

We  are  supporting  local  projects  and  NGOs,  such  as  the  “Goats  &  Sheep  Life
 Saving  Group  Nepal”.  They  save  animals  from  slaughter,  by  purchasing  them

 and  bringing  them  to  rural  farmers  and  communities  to  care  for  them,  and  to

 benefit from the animals’ milk and wool.

   Over these past 45 years, personal, family style relations have developed
   with  our  suppliers  and  manufacturers,  that  have  matured  into  mutually
   beneficial, professional collaborations. This allows us to constantly moni-
   tor fair and socially responsible working conditions, always on the lookout

   for new ways to improve what can be improved.

                           Today, most of the Frieborg Family is involved in the creative
                           business of Pur Schoen, Wife Sonja, three sons Benjamin,

                           Lennart and Felix, as well as
                           their partners.
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