Page 50 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
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                 CLUB 824350  |  AREA 7  |  DIVISION A  |  DISTRICT 20

       ICAB  (Indian  Chartered  Accountants  in  Bahrain)  Toastmasters  Club  is  one  of  the  premier  and  most
       successful Toastmasters Clubs in the island. Chartered in October 2005 and part of TMI's Area 7, Division
       A,  District  20,  we  seek  predominantly  to  train  Indian  Chartered  Accountants  improve  their  public
       speaking and leadership skills, through club-activities and mutual support from all members.

                                                                 Developing Champion Speakers

                                                                 We are renowned over the years for developing
                                                                 champion speakers and leaders from amongst
                                                                 our  members.  Working  in  close  coordination
                                                                 with  BCICAI,  we  conduct  programs  such  as
                                                                 Speechcraft  and  YLP  (Youth  Leadership
                                                                  Programme).  These  are  geared  to  build
                                                                  confidence  and  introduce  people  to  public

        President’s Distinguished Club

        Over the past 15 years, over 500 members have
        benefited  from  the  Club's  programs,  to
        become  better  speakers  and  leaders.  For  the
        past  14  consecutive  years,  the  Club  has  been
        recognized  as  the  “President’s  Distinguished
        Club” by Toastmasters International.

                                                                 Come, Join us and be a leader!

                                                                 We  would  be  delighted  to  welcome  you  to
                                                                  attend the club meetings as a Guest and have
                                                                  a feel of the Club experience.

       See you for the next meeting

       Interested members can contact the TM Flenil
       D'Souza, Vice President Membership of ICAB,
       on +973 333864591  to experience the journey
       of Toastmasters. Meetings bimonthly on
       Wednesdays at 7:15 PM.
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