Page 262 - The Midnight Library
P. 262

                Plus  Dad  was  Dad  and  I  had  to  be  this  fake  vision  of  whatever  he  thought  a

                man  was.’  He  sighed.  ‘It’s  weird.  We  both  probably  remember  it  in  different
                ways.  But  don’t  leave  me,  okay?  Leaving  the  band  was  one  thing.  But  don’t
                leave existence. I couldn’t cope with that.’
                   ‘I won’t if you won’t,’ she said.

                   ‘ Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.’
                   She  thought  of  the  grief  that  had  floored  her  when  she  had  heard  about
                Joe’s  death  by  overdose  in  São  Paulo,  and  she  asked  him  to  hug  her,  and  he
                obliged, delicately, and she felt the living warmth of him.

                   ‘ anks for tr ying to jump in the river for me,’ she said.
                   ‘I  always  thought  you  didn’t.  But  you  tried.  ey  pulled  you  back.  ank

                   He  suddenly  knew  what  she  was  talking  about.  And  maybe  more  than  a
                little confused about how she knew this, when she  had been swimming away
                from him. ‘Ah, sis. I love you. We were young fools.’

                Joe  nipped  out  for  an  hour.  Picked  up  the  keys  from  her  landlord,  collected
                his sister’s clothes and phone.

                   She saw that Izzy had texted. Sorry I didn’t get back last night/this morning.
                I   wanted   a   proper   discussion!   esis   antithesis   synthesis.   e   whole   works.
                How  are  you?  I  miss  you.  Oh,  and  guess  what?  I’m  thinking  of  coming  back  to

                the  UK in June. For good. Miss you, my friend. Also, have  a TON of humpback
                pics coming your way. xxx
                   Nora made a slight noise of involuntar y joy at the back of her throat.
                   She   texted   back.   It   was   interesting,   she   mused    to   herself,   how   life
                sometimes  simply  gave  you  a  whole  new  perspective  by  waiting  around  long

                enough for you to see it.

                She went on the Facebook page of the  International Polar Research Institute.
                ere  was  a  photograph  of  the  woman  she  had  shared  a  cabin  with  –  Ingrid
                –  standing  with  the  field  leader  Peter,  using  a  thin  measuring  drill  to  gauge

                the   thickness   of   sea   ice,   and   a   link   to   an   article   headlined   ‘IPRI   research
                confirms  last  decade  warmest  on  record  for  Arctic  region’.  She         shared  the
                link.  And  posted  a  comment:  ‘Keep  up  the        great  work!’  And  decided  that
                when she earned some money, she would donate.
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