Page 4 - Summer 16
P. 4
continued from p1
This phenomenon [hormesis] is recognised in main stream pharmacology and demonstrable in conventional medicines.
The principle of hormesis (the paradoxical dose-response curves exhibited by biological systems) goes some way towards explaining the homeopathic effect, whereby ‘like cures like’. This phenomenon is recognised in main stream pharmacology and demonstrable in conventional medicines.
Following on from this, it is nonsense to suggest that homeopathy has been proven to be ineffective. There is a wealth of scientific papers demonstrating the beneficial effect of homeopathy, in humans and in animals. Among them are a clinical audit published in the Veterinary Record, and the most recent meta- analysis in homeopathy, published in 2014 in the peer-reviewed journal Systematic Review, which concluded there was a significant treatment effect beyond placebo.
Furthermore, the evidence cited by the campaigners against homeopathy is flawed, for instance the negative conclusions from the House of Commons evidence check in 2010 have been
discredited because only three members of the committee voted in favour of the report, two of whom were not present to hear the evidence. Hence 70 MPs signed an Early Day Motion criticising it and being aware of this, the government of the day rejected it.
‘In treatment of sick horses, research on AM replacement should focus primarily in areas where there already is scientific evidence – namely:
• Probiotics,
• Acupuncture
• Homeopathy
• Vaccines
• Or any other evidence
based means.’
It is clear that this campaign is neither rational nor professional. It attempts to remove from the veterinary domain a vital form of medicine which affords relief to patients when other therapies are ineffective.
Without homeopathy thousands of animals in UK would suffer, and die prematurely. The proponents of this campaign are spreading misinformation simply to pursue their own personal agenda. It is time it was stopped.
In contrast, in 2011, the Swiss Government conducted a study on homeopathy and found it to be effective, hence it enshrined in law the principle that homeopathy should be available in the state health system. Homeopathy is afforded legal protection by the EU.
Many veterinary organisations recognise the benefits of homeopathy. For instance, In their final report on antimicrobial (AM) resistance, FEEVA (The European Federation of Equine Veterinary Associations) states: