Page 6 - Summer 16
P. 6
IAVH Newsletter
Dear Colleagues,
I suspect that by now you have noticed how the IAVH has been active in lobbying the EU to achieve appropriate regulation for homeopathic remedies in veterinary medicine. There is also work going on in relation to the website and forum and our office has been moved to a cloud system. All this helps towards keeping this organisation useful and truly international. I am grateful for the help I receive from a handful of very active colleagues.
Even though such organisational work is part of the mission of the IAVH, it is not all we need to do. We also have to promote homeopathy. This promotion has to be shared between all our members. We have to bring out the positive message of homeopathy. We have to show the world and our colleagues (both conventional and homeopathic), what we do.
In relation to the attacks on homeopathy it has become clear that there is no point in arguing with the ‘attackers’. Everybody agrees, we should ignore them and continue to bring out our positive message. The IAVH will start building a resource on this subject by collection contributions from various colleagues,
organisations and specialists in the matter of dealing with criticism and promoting homeopathy. We will be editing the information and make it available to our members. Any contributions are welcome.
The other face of supporting homeopathy is sharing information on the practice of homeopathy amongst ourselves. Because we are only a small number of practitioners, we all need to be active in disseminating and building the knowledge and experience of homeopathy.
If we are successful in obtaining good regulation for the homeopathic remedies in the new EU Veterinary Medicines Regulation, this will not just make it easier to practice homeopathy in veterinary medicine but will be a big step towards the official recognition of homeopathy. Homeopathy is unlikely to become officially recognised through some scientific acceptance process. It will happen through the inclusion of good regulation of homeopathy in national and international rules. Once the politicians and bureaucrats have pencilled homeopathy in their laws and regulations, the way is open for homeopathy to
become generally accepted as a normal way of practicing medicine. More scientific research will then follow soon.
But, ... there is always a but ... there have to be practitioners to be seen to practice homeopathy who, through their cooperation, make sure that the science of homeopathy moves forward.
I am sure I don’t have to remind you how to participate: write articles for the Mag, participate in the MMHV and go to congresses. This theme will be coming back time and time again in my communications. Our conventional colleagues have the luxury to be very numerous and many can just rely on the activity of others: we do not have that luxury. We have the luxury of being part of a very genuine community. Please add to the warmth of this community some homeopathic science as well.
Looking forward to seeing you at a congress or read any of your communications.
A short overview of the project VetRep (Veterinary Repertory) by Bernhard Hornig, Germany
Since September of 2014 I have been working on a repertory for diseases of the cow´s udder. That includes acute, chronic and subclinical mastitis, disorders of milk flow, agalactia etc. At present the repertory has 580 pages. Nearly 85 remedies have been checked with regard to their veterinarian confirmation in udder diseases. This data has been obtained from my Veterinary Materia Medica with 150 remedies in 1700 pages.
A well-known problem in veterinary homeopathy is the lack of remedy provings. Therefore we have to use symptoms from human Materia Medicas. That only works, when animals can be compared with humans. About this problem I give a lecture “How human are animals?“ on the ECH Congress in Vienna.
However, in the absence of remedy provings, we have to find another way, and that is the observation ‘at the bedside’. On one hand we could do this by a huge collection and evaluation of cases (a nearly impossible logistical effort) or by retrospect evaluation of cases from online repertorisation. This possibility is present in the Vithoulkas Compass
(VC) program. By ex-post evaluation of cured cases VC can create algorithms, which makes the choice of a similimum easier. This procedure was invented by Professor George Vithoulkas, who is said to have very high cure rates by using remedies from a collection of about 150 remedies.
Current repertories have up to 180.000 rubrics. On the basis of 175.000 cases VC has documented statistically, that 98% of all repertorisations use about 70.000 rubrics and 80% of all repertorisations only use 3.000 rubrics. This way unnecessary rubrics and remedies can be eliminated from a repertory, which makes it easier to handle.
To avoid errors in creating a software (it is hard to correct it afterwards) I have initiated a round- table of experts at the ECH Congress on 17th November from 11:00 to 13:00. For this purpose I want to invite homeopathic experts. The VC Team will present their software and explain the most necessary points. The round table is limited to 15 people. As a condition for the start, the VC Team needs 100 or even better 200 well-repertorised and successfully cured cases to create the algorithms. If you will be part of homeopathic eternity please send me your cases on
Thank you for your effort.