Page 7 - Summer 16
P. 7
President’s letter
by Jane Keogh
Writing this at the start of a typical English Summer, i.e. cool and wet, I really hope that by the time you read these words we will all be looking back on a glorious few weeks of sunshine and long warm evenings.
It seems that our homeopathic community has continued to face attack in the last few months, with petitions to the RCVS and vitriol and ridicule flung at us in both the public and veterinary press. As ever, the same old arguments get trotted out by the same small group of people, and it is important to remember that this is a small group of people. The vast majority of our colleagues are content to let us work in peace, and in some cases are even showing signs of irritation at the persistent onslaught.
However, it is not all doom, gloom and grey skies. Prince Charles's comments about antibiotic resistance and using homeopathic remedies in his dairy herd at Highgrove incited the usual ridicule, but brought home a very valid point, that homeopathy may be one of the few genuine answers to a very real, worldwide problem. Research and publicity are gradually
building a strong, if slow, case for the place of homeopathy in this issue.
4H continues to shine a positive light for homeopathy. A new App was released in April of this year, called "Homeopathy UK" and identifiable by the H logo. It gives information on what homeopathy is, what can be treated, remedies and stockists. Most importantly there is a "Find a Homeopath" section (which includes a veterinary list). 4H have funded this App, which is free to download, so encourage friends and clients to make use of it. A media campaign, organised by 4H, was launched during Homeopathy Awareness Week. Featuring Arlene Phillips attending the National Television Awards wearing a dress decorated with living flowers all used in the manufacture of homeopathic remedies. Interviews and TV chat shows featuring Ms Phillips and her dress reached millions of viewers. A pleasant change from the usual negative reporting. The 4H logo and the promotional "Snooks" films (which can be seen online) have been purchased by homeopathic groups in Hong Kong (with the films being translated into Cantonese and
Mandarin), and the Netherlands, and discussion is on-going with Canada, USA and Australia.
So, despite attack on several fronts I am happy to report that the homeopathic community is taking a strong stand and is promoting homeopathy in a positive light, refusing to submit to the negative publicity.
On that note, whilst it is easy to become depressed by the apparent hate and ridicule flung at us recently, especially when we often work in isolation in practice, remember that our annual Conference is imminent. This is always a golden opportunity to renew friendships and connect with soul-mates and like minds, remembering the passion that is our strength. This year, with Geoff Johnson, Nick Thompson and Claire Davies in the organising seats the Conference promises to be an incredible feast of learning, music and inspiration. Don't miss out, you will regret it!
Mookti - heart base tumour by Henry Stevenson, Australia
Mookti was a Beagle desexed female first presented to my surgery, when she was 6 years old for treatment of her long-standing skin itching. At that stage her itch was mainly in her axillae and abdominal skin and down her back legs. Her itching was similar in the day and in the night time and she would feel the heat badly yet would lie in the sun. Her itching was worse in the summertime. Bathing would help her itching for a day or two. Some fleas were found on her skin at this first visit. She liked to eat fatty food and drink milk and is a greedy dog. She could also be stubborn, obstinate and reserved. Another dog is the alpha dog at home and she may bark, if strangers come to the house but then would want affection from them.
For the following 4 years she was managed with many different homeopathic and herbal treatments without ever finding an ultimate simmilimum. Various remedies helped clear the skin but would not cure completely or not for long periods. The skin in places became quite thickened especially the conchae of ears and around the peroneal area. Remedies used in this period included Morgan gaertner, Rhus tox, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Natrum mur, Sepia, Antimonium crud, Graphites, Morgan pure, Natrum sulph, Arsenicum alb and Thuja.
She also had some bladder inflammation at times with clots in the urine and this was managed with Natrum mur. A minor heart murmur was first detected at 10 years of age.
Also at 10 years of age she had a virus vaccination and her skin was treated by another vet with Nizoral, which cleared much of her thickened skin areas, while she was on the drug.
She was next seen at our surgery 2 years later when she was now 13 years old. She had developed ascites and her heart was enlarged on an X-ray. She also had a cough and was vomiting clear fluid. There was nothing of great significance on her blood tests and she had been started
on Frudix and Vetmedin to help the heart/ascites. She was also on Optimmune to help her dry eyes and was given an antibiotic as well. Some fluid had been removed from the abdomen and the vet had said it was bloody. She could walk but only very slowly and she would not eat today. There was some reduction in the amount of fluid in the peritoneum after taking the Frudix. Today no heart murmur could be detected and the
heart rate and rhythm seemed normal.
My immediate thinking was that after years of some skin disease, the suppression of that skin disease had now caused major problems internally. Treatment given today was one dose of Calcium carb 30c.
One week later an ultrasound was performed, which showed up a tumour in the heart muscle.
Ultrasound report: There is a large volume of free abdominal fluid. The continued on p6 5