Page 13 - Winter 23/24
P. 13

Brushed, aversion to being + Fear, touched to be Sweetness + docile + servile (unable to bite or get angry) Suspicious
Involuntary urination
Urgency to urinate
Repertorisation result:
The six symptoms are covered by: acon, apis, rna, cham, ign, nit-ac, nux-v, ph-ac, sil, sulph and verat. Ron a priori apis, RNA, cham, nit-ac, nux-v and verat (due to the docile temperament in an animal with predominant sycosic miasma) and sulph were discarded because it had already been prescribed previously without success. It remains ron then: acon, ign, ph-ac, and sil. Any of these 4 drugs could be indicated in a fearful and apocalyptic animal, without marked thermal or feeding modalities. Reading and rereading the Medical Subjects I decided on aconitum (for the apparent mental trauma suffered and for being one of the most prominent medications of fright disorders).
Prescription: Aconitum 30C, in repeated doses of 7 drops per day, method plussing.
Clinical follow-up:
02-11-04: Between 7 and 10 days after starting the medication, night incontinence decreased, and the skin took on an unbearable rancid smell that disappeared within days (old symptom? homeopathic aggravation?). On the mental level she was more attentive, happy, cheerful. She ran from one place to another, played as before (she had not done that for years), went out to meet the owners. She held the urine and waited to be taken out, drank more water than before (and retained it). Equal voracity. Less fearful, more willing to be touched, calmer with the other dogs. Physical examination: very calm, does not tremble, warts increased in size and breast tumours too. She had almost no halitosis.
It was decided to continue with the same drug at same
04- 03-05: Phone call: The “guardians” of the patient report that, after 8 months of treatment, the behaviour of the patient is very good and the incontinence disappeared, but given the persistence of warts and tumours, they decided to consult with the colleague who previously attended the patient.
Homeopathic evolution: in the healing of the patient the laws of healing were fulfilled (improvement of the mental to the particular, with disappearance in the first place of urinary incontinence, last nosologically entity appeared). There was a physical stagnation in sycosis (predominant miasma of the patient), manifested by an increase in the size of warts and breast tumours, persisting beyond mental and physical improvement. I regret that I have not been able to continue to follow-up in greater depth.
 continued on p14

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