Page 14 - Winter 23/24
P. 14

continued from p13
 Case No. 2 (Mónica Castrilli and Alberto Dupuis) 12-09-07
Patient: canine, mixed breed, bitch, neutered, 2 and a half years approx.
Habitat: house with very large garden in the western part of the suburbs of Buenos Aires.
Family group: adult couple, adult children who visit often with small children and three dogs.
Reason for consultation: Phobias. Improper disposal.
 Case taking: appeared one afternoon in the garden of the house, when she was about 3 months old. From that moment they noticed that she was very fearful and scared. Behaviour: she spends almost all her time hiding under tables or beds, startled by swimming and shaking. She never leaves the house. “Fear of everything”: family members, children, noises, strangers, etc. She can’t relate to anyone and doesn’t give the other dogs her ball. Very submissive and absolutely docile, unable to attack, they can take her out of the places where she hides without showing any sign of aggression. She only gets a little closer to the lady of the house. He lives in a situation of permanent stress. When the stimulus that triggers the fear slightly exceeds the usual threshold, she has involuntary urination and diarrhoea.
General: it is cold. In winter she sits quite close to heat sources. She practically does not go out into the garden, urinating and defecating in the kitchen or in the rooms (elimination problems are secondary to her fear).
Note: the patient resembles an unsocialised wild animal due to her extreme caution, shyness and distrust. When we entered the house, she was hiding under a bed, trembling, with her normal pupils; when we pulled her towards us, she was startled, urinated and did not try to
attack at any time. She had previously received Phosphorus 200 C without favourable results.
Fear disorders (urination and involuntary defecation) Startle, fright by and as by
Sweetness + docile + servile
External tremor, anxiety + trembling from fear Diarrhoea fright, after + diarrhoea, emotional
Result of repertorisation: the 6 symptoms are covered by: acon, lyc, op, phos and verat. We discarded phosphorus because it had already been prescribed without success. Of the remaining 4 drugs, lycopodium and opium are predominantly hot. Comparing with the Materia Medica, aconitum seemed to us the indicated
Prescription: Aconitum 200 C, single dose.
Clinical follow-up: total improvement of behaviour in less than a week. She relapsed after a month, where the remedy was repeated with another dose, at the same strength. Still good to date.
Homeopathic evolution: the fourth prognostic observation of Kent was fulfilled on this occasion: sustained improvement of the patient without presenting any aggravation, meaning that there was no organic disease, nor any tendency to suffer from one.

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