Page 20 - Winter 23/24
P. 20

 continued from p19
Central Core
“His life is made miserable by fear” (H. Allen) “Relentless, perpetual fear” (Lathoud)
Chronic fear Full of fears
Sudden fear Tormenting thoughts
Persistent dreams
The most important fear of aconitum, which governs its existence is the
Fear of death
“Fear of imminent death” (S. Hahnemann)
Forebodings of death. He calls his friends to say goodbye to them.
“He predicts the moment of his death and offers his friends a farewell” (C. Hering)
“Fear that some misfortune may befall him” (S. Hahnemann) “Fear that something bad will happen to him” (W. Boericke)
Conviction of death. He feels like he is dying. Illusion that he is about to die
“During delirium he speaks of death” (Knerr)
When does the fear of death become more noticeable in aconitum?
During pregnancy
During childbirth
During the abortion: “she is sure she will die from haemorrhage
in an abortion”
Before and during menstruation
In the puerperium
In uterine prolapse During cardiac symptoms
During haemoptysis During seizures
During perspiration During feverish heat

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