Page 21 - Winter 23/24
P. 21

Another fear related to the previous one is:
Fear of disease
Anxiety about your health Sadness for your health Despair of recovery
Doubt about your recovery Fear of suffocation
Fear of accidents
Fear of having a heart disease
Fear of an imminent and incurable disease Illusion that you have an incurable disease Fear of having a disease in the brain
Fear of madness
Anxiety about the future
Interestingly, in the antipodes of the fear of disease, the drug also presents:
Fear of doctors
The other fears that complete the picture of aconitum are:
Fear of narrow places: subways, tunnels, elevators,     airplanes.
Fear of open places
Fear crossing the street
Fear in a crowd
People’s fear
Men’s fear
Fear of being approached for fear of being touched Fear of travel
Fear of the supernatural: of imaginary things, of evil,     of a curse, of ghosts
Reactive modality to Fear
How does aconitum react to fear?
Anguish: with trepidation, stirring,
Anxiety: it is present in 70 areas of anxiety.
Concern: is present in 26 areas of concern.
Shocks: “excessive tendency to startle” (S. Hahnemann) Escape, desires to: suddenly jumps out of bed. Brushed, aversion to being: fear of being touched
Hypersensitivity: patient with very acute senses
Clairvoyance: the symptom of the repertoire is referred to an therapist who presented a case of telepathy. The various authors consider that clairvoyance in aconitum “is at the service of fears”
Pain: it is one of the great pain medications, presenting great sensitivity to it:
Noise sensitive; at the slightest noise Fear of noise
Sensitive to music Music aggravates Aversion to music Music headache Crying for music Fear of music Sadness for music
Sensitive to light
Desire for light (Darkness aggravates) Daylight aggravates (photophobia, daylight) Sunlight aggravates (photophobia, sunlight)
Acute smell: strong odours aggravates
Aetiologies that disequilibria the patient Aconitum
Scare: in the mental sphere, it is the most important disorder suffered by the drug. From it, countless somatizations are triggered with the typical modalities of the remedy (abortion, headache, convulsions, fainting, diarrhoea, dyspnoea, suppressed menstruation, metrorrhagia, palpitations, etc.)
Cold, cooling: great tendency to cool down and catch colds, disorders that occur due to exposure to drafts. The dry cold is the one that most affects aconitum. This thermal modality is very important, as it is the general conditioning symptom of the acute conditions of the drug (headache, diarrhoea, sore throat, eye inflammation, laryngitis, facial neuralgia, otitis, palpitations, cough).
Fainting from pain
Beside Himself by Pain
Cries for pain
Crying for pain
Restlessness for pain
Insanity from intolerable pain
Rage, fury, pain
During childbirth: excessive pains; spasmodic contractions of the muzzle
After childbirth: prolonged pains
Back pain and childbirth
During menstruation: maddening uterine pain that     drives you to scream
Touch sensitive
Brushed, aversion to being; touched, fear of being Contact; The slightest contact aggravates Seizures when touched
Magnetism improves
continued on p22

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