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‘Insights into Veterinary Homeopathy’ Peter Gregory Published by Saltire Books. Isbn 978-1-90812-7068
I’ve known the author of this book for many years – he was one of the driving forces and main supports, when I made the leap and moved to the UK to work and continue my veterinary and especially my homeopathic journey. We became close friends and still are, although more at long-dis- tance now.
I’ve been looking forward to reading this book for a long time and I had certain expectations as to the content, considering the above-mentioned. I must say that the finished product has surprised me in more than one way but really just confirmed what I know Peter is capable of.
The book is a combination of scientific explanations into the actions and healing powers of homeopathy and very personal experiences throughout the author’s life as a vet and person as a whole, which intrigues, surprises and amazes me. It is so much more than a book – this is something, you will have to read to either prepare yourself for what homeopathy can do, confirm to yourself that you have chosen the right way (the only way?) as a vet, or to learn that there is so much more out there that we don’t know. Which is what drives us every day to explore and discover the world of homeopathy and the philosophy of life.
Peter has a huge amount of experience from his work in veterinary home- opathy and in this book you will learn his view on the remedies through the animal patient, not only how they present on the outside but the deeper ‘feeling’ of the patient – emotionally and spiritually. In my view, as long as you don’t grasp this side of your patient, you will never see them like they truly are. It takes a long time and a lot of patients (and patience) to learn this, and this book can give you some indication.
Geoff Johnson, wrote in a review of the same book:
“This is a breakthrough in veterinary writing of any sort, bursting with humour and honesty, and will inspire and teach any homeopath. It demonstrates a wisdom based on experience and dedication, and encompasses homeopathy in practice, philosophy and mechanism, as well as human-animal relationships, spirituality, personal development and compassion”.
I think that says it all!
It covers Materia Medica and philosophy in abundance in a way, which is catching and filled with personality and humour as well as deep-felt empathy and knowledge of the human and animal soul. It also addresses more serious subjects, such as how the skeptics have tried to hamper the progress of homeopathy and how we have dealt with it as a veterinary homeopathic community.
Please – for your own sake and not least for your patients’ sake – get this book and read it cover to cover. Malene
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 Phosphorus 12x + Gaertner 30: As Phosphorus but with more malnourished appearance. Less lively than Phosphorus – can't be bothered
Aconite 30: First signs of being off colour, before vomiting or diarrhoea start
Nux vomica 30: Bold & greedy. Gave to origi- nal pups to negate effects of all the drugs. Nausea and retching. Trying to vomit but unsuccessful. Straining to defecate but only small amounts or nothing passed
Veratrum album 30: Collapsed, cold & weak. Wants to eat & drink but vomits as soon as does so, especially water (Phosphorus waits until you’re half way through cleaning out the next pup before vomiting). Painful abdomen. Violent retching, profuse vomiting & purging. Very dry mucous membranes.
China 30: Exhaustion (from loss of fluids). Vomits undigested food. Lot of wind from
both ends. Better for warmth. Worse after eating. Better bending double. NB texts say supposed to be marked periodicity, but not noted here.
Apomorphine 6: Purging vomiting Frequent vomiting until absolutely empty, then appears sedated.
Ipecachuana 30: Persistent nausea and vomit- ing. Salivation / slimy feel to mouth. Bright red blood in vomit. Painful straining. Stretch out.
Camphora 30: Collapse. Chilly. Icy coldness but won't be covered up. (Camphora lie on top of the blanket, Arsenicum Album or China lie under it, Phosphorus plays with it). Black involuntary stool.
Final thoughts
Homeopathy can be used in acute, life threat- ening situations. Previously I have been too unsure of my prescribing abilities to risk trying it, but in this situation the homeopathic man-
agement produced a considerably better out- come than the conventional management (9% mortality vs 80% mortality). There is a big dif- ference in prescribing technique from the usual “give a dose & wait for a month” to “if no improvement in 2 hours, change remedy, other- wise repeat it.”
This experience didn't get me any closer to applying Sankharan, but I learnt a lot about the vomiting remedies! T

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